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Waxing Question

  Clio 172 Exclusive
Hi All.

I'm currently using P21's/R222 wax, along with Meguiars Gold shampoo to wash.

My question is, how long do I need to leave the wax to 'cure' before buffing off?

The reason for asking is, the following week, (or fortnight) when I wash the car again, all the marks filled in by the wax are revealed again :mad:. I realise the wax is merely 'filling' swirl marks in, but how come they re-appear so quickly, if the wax is supposed to last weeks/months?

As it is I now have some Collinites 476 to try, as I've been washing my car less frequently of late anyway, so wanted something that will last longer than the P21's. Will I notice any difference with regards to the length of time it takes between waxing and washing before the marks reveal themselves again?
wax shouldnt have any fillers in it, its just there to add shine and a bit more protection.

what polish are you using, that could be what is filling them in.

maybe look into getting the car PC'd if you want them removed completely.

  Clio 172 Exclusive
I'm using Autoglym SRP for polish, which I've just used last wash round to prepare the paintwork before winter.

It's more the marring that disappears with waxing. I had a new front bumper fitted a number of months ago, and it's since then that I've had to keep waxing the car every two weeks or so to get rid of the marring left by them (the bodyshop), 'mopping' the car. The car looked fine until then, imo.

To be honest I can put up with the swirl marks, it's the marring I'm getting annoyed by.
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ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
depends what wax u use - dodo juice you can leave for 5 - 15 mins then buff off
  Add me 2 ur PS3 - Lylak
I first prepare the car with car lacker (similar to claying), with this I apply to the whole car then buff off.

I then use Collinite after the car lacker has buffed off and I apply this a panel at a time, and buff off a panel at a time.

You don't need to let this wax cure, it adds a layer of hard wax to protect the paint, give it a nice shine and bead the water away :)
