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Are expensive waxes a waste of money?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Just gone round the car with done and dusted si. Absolute piece of pish to use and looks great. But.... Its no wax experience. Just something lacking when finished.

Mmm bit like a modern hot hatch, easy to drive, fast, gets the job done, but to a point boring.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Post some beading pics if you can please!

It's very nice to use.

  SI-STI 2.35 & RC-172
To answer the OP question some expensive wax’s are worth the money,i have been into detailing cars now for over twenty years now and have used and own numerous different wax’s,Zymol Glasur has continued to be my best wax which leaves a superb long lasting finish on my car compared to others...

In my experience you can get good finishes with a £20 wax if the prep is right with the polishing...but i find that a quality boutique wax’s does offer that something special in use compared to the majority of cheaper brands...

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
FK1000P from FinishKare is still very good for the money.

Really easy to apply and remove, you can leave it on as long as you want and it'll still buff off easily.

Bonus is that you can use it as a wheel sealant as well.

Some pretty good beading



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Ah, something I remember discussing 10 years ago!

Just want to note two things from the off for the OP, don't judge that wax you were using as expensive, it's not good with a big price tag. Also don't compare topaz to anything, it comes in a gallon tin FFS! In fairness it's not a bad product but I wouldn't put it on my own car.

On to the wax. The old school. The original!

There isn't a number I can put on the amount of waxes, polymers, sealants, spray sealants, sio2s, hybrids, cermaics, glass coatings that I have used tried and thrown away!

My first wax was colli 476, a wax that is probably still thee most durable wax you can buy, it has more petroleum in it than wax! Comes in a tin and horrific user experience!

Next up for my imperial blue racing Puma, dodo juice purple haze. A wax I still have I'm my fridge at work (they all live there!) This wax made me understand what the experience of enjoying waxing (I will come back to this at the end) the car looked insane after blackhole and PH. Thread is on here somewhere!

After that! Well, Zymol Glasur, Zymol carbon, Zymol vintage (sample), then Celeste dettaglio (you may not remember) this was my first experience of an expensive wax not doing what it should. Onto swissvax onyx, shield and best of show.

Half way through my FRP ownership Gtechniq brought one of the first ceramic sealants into the UK in the form of original C1, still one of the best, most unforgiving products I've ever used.

Applying this product to my car was the first time since starting "detailing" that I didn't wax my car.

Moving on, 18 months later the product was beading and sheeting water like the day it was applied, crazy stuff!

My next car I couldn't wait to wax! As I constantly test and try products I was using new age spray sealants on all my future cars and wax slowly died away... Mainly time! The only time I got to use it was during detailing. See some of my threads!

On to today, I love wax, it's nostalgic, it's from a simpler time before everyone was rebottling and repackaging everything with no love! There was a point somewhere....

Are expensive waxes worth it, yes, if you buy the correct ones.

Spend a lovely Sunday washing and cleaning your car, finish up with some colli and tell me it feels the same as applying some Glasur or Best of show. The feeling you get using a special wax cannot be replicated with other products like spray sealants. The most enjoyable details I ever carried out were finished with a nice wax.

To finish, buy a nice boutique wax, Zymol carbon or maybe britemax vantage. These waxes feel boutique to use without the price tag. Or go all out and get some Glasur and thank me later!
