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Went to the sea side..

... and just got rained on!

I'm afraid they are a bit samey and probably need some noise reduction but wondering what people think works best.

2-4 were taken using a Cokin 2 stop medium grad.

Number 1. HDR. Taking shelter, should have got closer to the Sea IMO.

Number 2. Processed from RAW, curves and levels.

Number 3. Processed from RAW, curves and levels.

Number 4. HDR of 3 images.
Good stuff mate. Number 3 is my favourite.

HDR is good, but it gets overused I think. And I include myself in that lol.
Good stuff mate. Number 3 is my favourite.
HDR is good, but it gets overused I think. And I include myself in that lol.

Thanks peeps..

I know, getting sick of it myself, really trying to move away from it! Number 1 needed HDR personally but yeah its over kill on 4.
great stuff :approve:

excellent location too ;)

ok so tell me, would shots like that be possible with an entry level lense... maybe even an 18-55 kit lense?


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8
great stuff :approve:

excellent location too ;)

ok so tell me, would shots like that be possible with an entry level lense... maybe even an 18-55 kit lense?

yes the hdr images are 3 images merged... its kinda cheating ... but does look good...

however u could get images that good with a stock kit lens and a tripod.
Thankgs guys, went back and did some more PP, used a demo of neatimage to clean up the mess from my poor exposure and went for a natural look, had enough of HDR.



exellent, thats good to hear

Yup, you just need a tripod, you can then layer blend or HDR.

If you want a natural looking exposure from the camera it helps to have Gradual Neutral Density filters that help the camera expose for the brighter sky and darker foreground.

I'd pretty much give you my old filter adapter ring and holder but left them in London :(
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I'd pretty much give you my old filter adapter ring and holder but left them in London :(

thanks, but i wouldnt know what to do with them lol :eek:
i guess its a ring allows you to attach filters on the end of the lense?

Yup, spot on!

And thanks everyone!

ukaskew cheers, ran it through PP with a bit more though and gave is a noise clean up!

Click to view, to many pics on the page already...
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HDR is the way forward. reminds me of infa read film....... abit
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HDR is the way forward. reminds me of infa read film....... abit

The way forward? ;) Saturated the internet about a year ago imo, I'm a hater, as you may be able to tell!

In fairness, extremely subtle use is fine as a camera simply cannot easily replicate certain scenes, but it's painfully overused and more often than not used as a get out of jail free card because a photographer can't shoot properly in the first place.
  GW RS200
Amazing work! Some shots to be proud of, there... What setup did you use - equipment, aperture, exposure times etc?
Amazing work! Some shots to be proud of, there... What setup did you use - equipment, aperture, exposure times etc?


If you go to the images on flikr you can see the individual data by clicking 'More Properties'..

Shot them all in RAW format using M mode, most were roughly:
Exposure: 0.3 sec (3/10)
Aperture: f/16
Focal Length: 10 mm


Shutter Release
Velbon 250R Tripod, heavy but still wanted to blow over!

Added a Cokin 2-stop medium Grey ND for the other shots to stop the sky blowing out white.

Hope that's of some help..
  1.2 Dynamique billabong
awesome pics, i think i prefer 3 rather than the HDR version there just something about the colours
