They are ours and from our suppliers they are only supplied to us, however that don't stop them being replicated by other companies, by other suppliers.
Honestly our intentions are not to mislead people or make out we are something we aren't, we are a detailing company, thats what i do, what we do, the products are something we have developed through our experience in the service side for over 14 years now, we have worked with two other brands in the past (one is one of the biggest names in car care) to help with product development, but what we wanted to produce a full range of our own that had input from proper detailers, and was our way, unconstrained, we only want products that work, and we only work with local companies, I could drive to anyone who formulates for us or any of the manufactures and be home in time for tea

(hence the comment above is a bit daft) .
So what do we offer? good products tried tested and that actually work, customer service that provides someone on the end of the phone who not only knows about the products but also uses them in a professional sense everyday.
James B