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What have you ordered? *Detailing*

Another quick tip; the clay bar will become like a wet bar of soap, i.e. very slippy and easy to drop. If you drop it on the ground, it is useless (could contain grit and dirt, which you do not want to drag over your paint). Try putting an old (but clean) towel under the area you're claying at the time. If you drop the clay, the towel will catch it, preventing you from having to throw it away.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
In addition to the towel trick, always hold the edge of the clay with your finger and thumb with other 3 fingers holding the rest of the clay flat.
  Not a 320d
cant decide if I should buy some c3 over this sonax detailing spray. Makes the paintwork feel like s**t. Problem with C3 is I bet it will last me about 3 cars worth and I apply a qd weekly to remove any water marks after ive driven home. Not really sure if C3 is suitable for that.


ClioSport Club Member
You can dilute C3 to use as a QD or use it neat as a sealant as far as I know. Should be ok for say once every two to three months neat and weekly diluted as a QD.

failing that why not try something like mess last touch as your weekly QD and c3 as a bi monthly top up?
Bought a desire sample from Matthew, want to see what all the fuss is about. Doubt it will tempt me away from sealants though!
  Not a 320d
Got another bottle of that Sonax QD.

Really not so sure about it still. If it was slicker or IPA based it would be perfect. The finish can be streaky sometimes too as application is a bit fussy.

The way people look at the car when its beading after rain is bizzaire. Also when i am washing at shell and water is falling off the paintwork people stand and gorp at it.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
The original version of C2 I had diluted 1:10 or even 1:15 gave great initial water behaviour, although I've been using demon shine detailer as a drying aid since the Asda deals and that beads very well. Not very slick feeling.

Asda have still got rapid dirt shifter up for £6 / litre, demon shine is £4 / litre


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Why do apply a QD that has sealant properties after every wash?
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
I dare say it considerably reduces cleaning times as in theory or adding another protective layer every time. expensive but I dare say if you're maintaining a fleet I believe Toby did at one point I see its benefits.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lols. My point is you're just wasting money.

If you wash and protect a car one week it won't lose all it's cleaning properties by it's next wash! I'd love to top up C2 after every wash, it's uber slick but it's just silly. If I want to do that i'll just use Z6 or something.

QD is a lot cheaper than a QD/wipedown with sealants properties.
  Not a 320d
True story.

Seriously though I just want rid of the debt now I've got the piece of paper that says £14,950 owed and each month Its going up £15. I am going to pay as much of it off as soon as I move into the new place.

On topic.

Don't maintain the fleet anymore thank f**k. Was just something i did when I was at uni. Wash, dry, wipedown with M135 to keep the gloss and beading up. Hoover and tyre gel. Job done.

I use a QD with sealant because I need to use a QD when Ive driven home after washing at shell jetwash to get the last of the water marks off the wheels and the paintwork. If I used a regular QD it would effect the beading. I like beading. So using a QD with a sealant means I can maintain both the gloss and the beading after washing. I havent got the means to slap a coat of carbon on my car because of where I live anymore and just washing it will leave watermarks which stand out on a black car.

Sonax isn't too expensive either. I wouldnt mind paying £20 a month for C2 if It lasted me 4 washes either. So I might try that next.

I know you think its a waste and its overkill but for me its a cost I can live with and easily justify in order to maintain the black finish.
Seriously though I just want rid of the debt now I've got the piece of paper that says £14,950 owed and each month Its going up £15. I am going to pay as much of it off as soon as I move into the new place.

Sonax isn't too expensive either. I wouldnt mind paying £20 a month for C2 if It lasted me 4 washes either. So I might try that next.

I know you think its a waste and its overkill but for me its a cost I can live with and easily justify in order to maintain the black finish.

Does. Not. Compute.

Text 'tard.
  Not a 320d
I love it mate :)

​I love watching peoples faces when they see water falling off the car like it does. I know sheeting is more important but lets face it the car looks filthy after its rained 2-3 times anyway.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
I question the whole sheeting is better than beading arguement.

Maybe if your car sits on the drive and doesn't move. When driving I think its better to have a beader
Adding movement into the equation surely gives them the same meaning? As at speed, beading is sheeting...?
  Not a 320d
Thanks. C3 doesnt have teh beeningz.

So Ill stick with a wipedown of C2v3 unduluted.

Car was covered in beads yesterday morning. Drove to work and the car was clean again.
