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what the hell - leather/alcantara

  BMW 120i Sport

Can someone clear this up for me,

Ive just noticed on another thread something about the leather interior is now discontinued?! Which car is this on, the 182 or the V6? or both?!

Ive just ordered a 182 from and ill be extremely pissed off if it arrives with a cloth interior. Have I got the wrong end of the stick here?


  BMW 120i Sport

Thank god for that, thanks a lot for clearing that up - it just wasnt too clear for which car.



No dont worry this is about the ID special leather the V6 had the option of.

The 182 (so long as you havnt ordered the Cup cut price model) will have the leather.

Also if you order a V6 it will have leather, its just if you ordered a V6 with the optional (expensive) coloured leather you cannot get it but the dealers should tell you.


  Shiny red R32

Quote: Originally posted by Jeremy Townsend on 30 October 2004

The optional i.d. leather is no longer available on the V6 255. Theres no change to the 182s interior
Jeremy, I would have thought that if Renault are charging £27,000 for a Clio V6 that it would have a leather interior as standard! If they can put leather in a 182 why not do the same in the doubly expensive V6?

Does Renault not think that V6 customers would be a tad upset at this!! I know that I would if I had paid £27,000 for a Clio!! :(
  Yaris Hybrid

Its only the ID leather going? Not standard leather?

Id be upset if Id paid £27k for one of those even with leather!!

GirlRacer - youve missed what Ive said. Theres no change to the 182 or the V6 interior. The only change is that you cant get the optional leather i.d. interior any longer
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Quote: Originally posted by GirlRacer on 30 October 2004

Jeremy, I would have thought that if Renault are charging £27,000 for a Clio V6 that it would have a leather interior as standard! If they can put leather in a 182 why not do the same in the doubly expensive V6?

Does Renault not think that V6 customers would be a tad upset at this!! I know that I would if I had paid £27,000 for a Clio!! :(
Once they get their car, V6 customers wont give a monkeys! Theyll be too busy giving it large around the roads of Britain to care about the upholstery :D


ClioSport Club Member

i dont know what all the fuss is about leather.

had it in my focus and would never have it again cold in winter (had heated seats as well took to long to heat up) hot in summer and slippy when going round corners, alcantara is so much better
