Only for the fun of it - nothing serious at all.

Would get royally pwned if I went online with it!
I do have UT2004 installed via Steam though and have a dabble every now and then. I like the instagib and low-G modifiers
hehe, cool, UT2k4 is OK but we still play UT99 instagib at LANs even these days! Along with other classics like Armada2, C&C Generals Zero Hour, Quake2 and 3.
PS, i hated low G levels, i tried to avoid people who chose low G maps on ladder matches

. (Am a dodge aiming *****, it's very difficult to do that on low G). You would be surprised how many people still play UT99 online, there are always full servers about. Mostly ZP though, which i'm not a huge fan of, especially when you are used to allowing for the lag!