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What's your favourite car related YouTube channel?


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
TDC are smashing AutoAlex for views.

If I were them I’d be going on my own.
Honestly, AutoAlex is dogshit now.

I still listen to the podcast as that’s usually alright and all they keep banging on about is how they’ve lost their way a bit, want to get back to create better videos etc etc, but then still keep churning out absolute shite

Both TDC and ATG are miles ahead.

If I was Taylor, I’d go it alone in honesty. I’d actually watch if he did proper builds over however many episodes rather than just one episode of him putting Febi parts and BC coilovers on an MX5 for the 17th time


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Honestly, AutoAlex is dogshit now.

I still listen to the podcast as that’s usually alright and all they keep banging on about is how they’ve lost their way a bit, want to get back to create better videos etc etc, but then still keep churning out absolute shite

Both TDC and ATG are miles ahead.

If I was Taylor, I’d go it alone in honesty. I’d actually watch if he did proper builds over however many episodes rather than just one episode of him putting Febi parts and BC coilovers on an MX5 for the 17th time
They piss me off with the constant reading of circle jerk messages about how they make everyone not want to throw themselves off bridges.

Get off your own dick guys.

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Just another nail in Auto Alex’s coffin.

Been watching that Josh’s channel for a while now and enjoy his content.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
That really doesn't look good on Taylor, went off them a while ago, but this guy having Taylor dead to rights with screenshots etc. will be a hard one to get out of. Risks undoing what they've built on the Alex channel if Taylor keeps doing business like that.

I've not watched the video yet but I've said before he doesn't know what he's doing. A glorified AA mechanic who tried his hand at tarting cars up to flog on and only struck lucky because Alex liked him.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182, E46 M3
He’s replied in the comments…this is going to rumble on I recon View attachment 1727209View attachment 1727210

Is this seriously 2 grown men trying to out mental health impact themselves?

f**k me. Call each other a pair of c***s, exchange a couple of idle threats and crack on with life.

Whoppers like that squawking about “damaging their mental health” just diminishes those who are actually struggling with their mental health. Pair of plebs.


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
Is this seriously 2 grown men trying to out mental health impact themselves?

f**k me. Call each other a pair of c***s, exchange a couple of idle threats and crack on with life.

Whoppers like that squawking about “damaging their mental health” just diminishes those who are actually struggling with their mental health. Pair of plebs.
To be fair to this lad he was pointing out that the AA crew bleat on about how they help folk with mental health issues. Then f**k people around, hold back money and slander a small business to their audience…it’s not really the caring, cuddly persona of a business who gives a f**k about others mental health.

Otherwise I’d agree with you. But that’s the way this generation seem to deal with s**t! Blame it on mental health and hope that’s scares someone away. Pussies


ClioSport Club Member
"It really impacted my mental health" is the go-to when any YouTuber/influencer gets found out for doing something dodgy these days. They play it to try and win sympathy.

Having watched the video, it seems like the guy who did the work tried to be reasonable, but it was a mistake to open himself up to risk by trying to do them a favour. If I was working with a big channel like that, I'd want a contract in place with agreed deadlines and payment terms. They're big enough to be doing things professionally, not with handshakes and favours.


ClioSport Club Member
I thought he handled himself pretty well in his reply but I do feel he got petty and started with some tit for tat responses which weakened his argument for me a little.


ClioSport Club Member
Was just about to come and post that video

I think he's nailed it tbh. I know a few people who have bought cars directly from Taylor. One of them had to spend £1500 on his E61 car less than 48 hours into ownership because it was fucked

He's a shady c**t and I bet every single one of their cars have proper bent MOTs, not just emissions or a squiffy bulb sort of stuff. I like watching All the gear and TDC but if they start to follow suit of the other c***s then they have no hope. If I was them I'd use the leg-up from Alex and move on whilst they still have a chance. AutoAlex is w**k these days, I haven't watched any of their most recent videos

I bet they still owe that Jooshy (proper s**t name, grow up) money so that's why he's gone onto do his own thing just filming himself on the drive


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
"It impacted my mental health."
"No, it impacted my mental health."

This generation of Youtubers are all the same, they all want something for nothing and all think they're gods gift. So so petty.


Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
I bet they still owe that Jooshy (proper s**t name, grow up) money so that's why he's gone onto do his own thing just filming himself on the drive

Ahhh I was wondering why he started doing his own videos.

Completely agree on the other parts. TDC and ATG move on asap, unless they are tied to a shitty contract which they possibly may be.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
By splitting the channels up. What they actually did was give all the good formats to TDC and ATG.

They left themselves with the dross which is just rinse and repeat. Then when they get called out, they acknowledge it, and just pedal the same s**t the next week.

TDC's view count is far batter even with half the subscribers.


ClioSport Club Member
Ahhh I was wondering why he started doing his own videos.

Completely agree on the other parts. TDC and ATG move on asap, unless they are tied to a shitty contract which they possibly may be.

When I heard an interview with the two from TDC, I got the sense that Alex pretty much owns them. They made it sound like they worked for him, but perhaps that was just the way it came across.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Sounds like it’s gon get spicy

AutoAlex just needs to bin off Taylor. He’s a good presenter in front of the camera but from listening to the podcast and what not, he seems like such a liability. Whilst he’s at it, he can bin off Rory as well the fat wanker.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
It took me a long time to get into AutoAlex content, on Drive tribe they just came across as a bunch of little pricks that were far too impressed with themselves, then when he setup on his own and left some of the dribblers behind his content got better and I got into it, then the dribblers also left and joined him on TDC and All the gear, I tried with the other blokes but I just don't like them.

I also thought Taylor was the best out of all of them, he's certainly a better presenter, now I think they're all pricks again and my original assessment of them was probably correct.


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
Do we think it’s Bon voyage Taylor?
I think it would be difficult for Alex to sack him. He is probably the best part of his channel now…but he’s got to be on thin ice.

The problem AA has is he has just employed ‘mates’ yeah they all have a laugh. But who’s the big boy? Who’s the leader? Who is keeping s**t in check and actually doing the boring stuff? You’ve just got to look at the complete s**t show that was his ‘shed fest’ now this…looks like Rory is stepping up and taking a more back office role. But im not sure he’s the right guy from what I have seen of him on podcasts. He makes and argues some of his views as fact, when quite often he is talking absolute horseshit


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Well fair play to him for holding his hands up and admitting fault, but the pessimist in my senses panic at losing his new found media career and trying to get ahead of it before he's back trying to scrape a living selling dodgy cars.

I'd like to think it's a genuine apology as I thought the bloke was the soundest out the lot of them, but I'm too old and too experienced in dealing with people that are full of sh*t to fully believe him.


ClioSport Club Member
It's probably as far from a genuine apology as you can get. It's damage limitation. I don't watch any of their videos but did watch the garage owners video posted on here.
Only have to look at the comment Taylor left under the video, clearly not apologetic and still denying what was quite clear from the screenshotted messages. Has suddenly gained more attention and they’re in full damage control.


ClioSport Club Member
  CLIO 197 CUP,
For those not in the know.
Can I have synopsis of what’s going on?
Taylor from Autoalex shafted a guy doing work on his E28 beemer. Mucked him about for over a year and called him an unreputable garage (or words to that effect on a podcast). Guys called him out and shown all about it. Causing the above apology but not apology
