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wheel sealing


ClioSport Club Member
Get my wheels back from being refurbed on monday and I want to give them a good sealing. Whats the best product to use?


ClioSport Club Member
i read in another thread that you only need to do the srp and egp a couple of times a year....true? and poor boys every time you wash?
  106 GTi
You don't need to do the Poorboys each time you wash but yopu can do as it is so quick and easy.

Once or twice a year for the SRP and EGP and once a month maybe for the Poorboys Wheel Sealant.
  106 GTi
No real part unless you want a stand alone one step product. Contains cleaners so means it will remove the EGP applied bellow it if you go for that.
  106 GTi
Is a one step product so will be a time saver, not sure it will hold up as well as the Poorboys with an EGP base to it.
  Vectra 1.9 CDTi SRi 150
Will have too keep an eye on the turinis, they get dirty so easy so get washed plenty, inside out of course.
  106 GTi
TBH the Jeffs should hold up as well as EGP. I have Gallons on EGP to use up or would be using Jeffs on my wheels too.
