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where does your clio sleep

  clio sport f1 r27
in a public car park outside which i can hardly see had a boulder and the wing mirror kicked off my rx8 never heard a thing after that i got a cliford and a previous clio a brick off it and scuffed by another car oh and to finish it off got a chap at the door at 4 am last year to tell me the rx8 was on fire outside was an electrical fault though !
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
in the locked internal garage behind a set of gates in a dead end road:approve:
pics. . .dont think anyone's posher than gareth lol
Behind this

in that

shame about the car though:(
  EP3 Civic Type R
Gareth... aren't car cover's more harm than good? Surely it doesn't need one indoors where it will just 'sweat'- or am I a newb and car cover education?!

Mines a posh car, common owner ;)

Away from the road, locked in a garage with half a Fiesta Turbo! I'm paranoid about people knowing where my car is... as I'm a bit of a geek like that LOL
  RenaultSport 172.
Trampy....parked in the street infront of my house... (culdisac tho) (SPELLING?????)
  330Ci (Fail)Sport
Our driveway was specifically extended just so I can park my car on it without blocking my parents in.

Shame the extension is the exact size of a clio, if I get a bigger car, I'll be blocking the neighbours in, shared driveway FTL.
  ClioSport 172
I'm not sure if my cars a night owl like me, but if she does like to sleep at night then I watch her sleep via CCTV at work!
  Coilovered Clio Dynamique
Tramp, sadly the VXR takes the driveway unless dads away on holiday in which case it is the poor car that sits in the lay by outside my house (obviously moved back in to driveway tho before he returns to avoid arguements)
  Mk2 Ph2 Clio II 1.6 16v
Secure car park at home and secured basement at work, sadly this basement is where all bad things happen : (

(scratched front bumper, broken rear view mirror besel)
  Clio Dynamic S 2.0VVT
It lives in a garage with the missus's (gold coloured) Clio and my ickle GSXR600:)


  • GarageLR.jpg
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  54 plate, Arctic Blue 182
private car park which is hidden away across my 2 bays right outside my front door and direct site from bedroom :)

Bike normally is under the lean to out the front but was getting its monthly wash lol (my work horse)

