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where to thread power cable through

I cant find anywhere to put my power cable through from the battery to the amp.

i can See one wire that goes into the passenger side but its got a bung round it and is Extrmely hard to get out cant budge it this seems to lead to the bonnet catch so u know where i mean.

where has everyone else put there power cables through for the amps? any ideas

how do i get that out tho its like really stiff to get it out the hole do i need to use a Screw driver? or if i just pull it really hard will it just Come out?

so u pull it from the inside of the car ? i dont think i can really get hold of it from the inside ill just ave to ave a play around :S mines a 2002 Reg car dunno if that will make a bit of difference

Right cheers sorted that out now but rather then Start a new topic does anyone know why when i turn my Cd player on or off the subs like kick once cuz i think this might be blowing the fuse in the amp well when it did its only got a 15amp fuse in it like.
