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Which Broadband / Router (2 options)

I've been with Tiscali for 3 years, and never got round to changing after the first 12 months.

I pay £17.99pm, get 8mb, unlimited download, and use a D-Link router (4 ports + wireless)

I could either go for

Option1 - BT @ £15.99pm (12 months) with the new router at £25 one off, with 8mb, 10GB download.

Option2 - Tiscali upgrade @ £14.99pm (12months) witha TG585 V7 router, 8mb, unlimited download.

Anyone else used the new v2 BT hub (black one)?
  SLK 350
Personally speaking 10GB PM is too low, depends on your milage but of the two Tiscali sounds better value.

That said I'd steer clear of both providers.
  Megane Trophy #147
i have the new bt hub and it is quite good and easy to use but only have it as i get free broadband as i work for openreach but if i had the choice i would go elsewhere most probably o2 cos customer services and technical help at bt are crap
Thanks, ordered BT with the new homehub for free today anyway.

Can't get O2 around here, without paying stupid amount for the 'piggy back'


ClioSport Club Member
Do you have Sky TV? Could've gone for their Broadband Max product @ £10 a month. That's what I've got and it's pretty darn good!
