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Which stickers to keep, which to remove? help

  Black 1.2 Extreme
I am planning on removing the dealership stickers and also the "Extreme sticker" from my Clio

But I'm unsure weather or not I should remove the "Elf" sticker on the back windscreen as I do still see a lot of cars on this site with that still on, and also the stickers saying "This car is alarmed etc etc" should I remove those? or is it best to keep them?

Cheers, Sam


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
It's up to you and your own personal taste. I removed all stickers from my Clio.
  Black 1.2 Extreme
So removing the security stickers etc wont do anything to my insurance or when I re sell it etc, might sound stupid but I'm just wondering
  Black 1.2 Extreme
as if someone is coming to break into your car, a sticker saying "this car is alarmed" isnt going to stop then, they clearly know its alarmed in the first place
