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Which Wash mitt and stuff to buy for Black plastic bits ?

I am on the look out for some new stuff to replace my Ag Bumper Care which is finished.

I would buy another Ag Bumper Care but fancy trying something else :)

What do you guys suggest ?

And what about a wash mitt ?

Anyone any reccomendations ?

Mine could do with replacing
  106 GTi
For textured plastic stick with the AG Bumper Care, there are lots of other products out there for more money that don't work any better.
For textured plastic stick with the AG Bumper Care, there are lots of other products out there for more money that don't work any better.

Ok Ag it is, unless anyone else knows stuff thats better :S

Any ideas on a wash mitt ?
  106 GTi
I have tried a fair few trim products and gone back to the Bumper Care for textured stuff.

As for wash mitts I use Eurow ones.
