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will vauxhall wheels fit my 16v

  clio 20v

pcd is same, offset will be wrong, clio is about 36 vaux is supposed to be 49

most vaux aftermarket rims will be around 40-45

if its a 40 offset u might get away with it

but dont get venoms there the equilvalent of 3 spokes now
  BMW 320d Sport

Yeah but in terms of style you get 8 out of 10 for having 17s. Then minus 12 out of 10 for having Venoms. The net result is that youd be better off not to bother!

i need to swap them then i have been looking for a set of super ts but want at least 17s have you sorted a splitter out the same as mine nick or do you still want me to keep an eye out 4 one
