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Wind Deflectors Removed.. Clean up advice needed!

  Mitsubishi Evo VI
Hi there. I purchased a recent import Evo 6 a couple of months ago which came with nasty pinky orange wind deflectors which I finally got round to removing today. They appear to have been stuck down by half the world's supply of gluey shite and I've got an awful mess left behind as you can see in the picture I've uploaded. I have always been one to use detailers rather than doing it myself so not sure how to tackle this almighty mess. How do I go about cleaning it up without ruining the paint?


Advice would be appreciated!
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  Renault 5 GT Turbo
Warm it with a hair dryer or heat gun and roll off as much as you can to start.
The remove the left over residue with a tar remover.
You can then go on to polish the area back up by hand or machine. You'll need spot pads to do it by machine.
By hand, something like Meguiars Ultimate Compound, G|techniq P1 or something will even out the finish underneath.
  Mitsubishi Evo VI
Appreciate the replies, just about recovered after a weekend of binge drinking so only just got around to replying. Gonna have a go at fixing this up tomorrow with hair dryer and whatever tar remover I have left. Think i have some obliterate somewhere. I have a machine polisher, pads etc, but the entire car is hopefully gonna get done in next month or two (weather and time permitting) so i'll probably not bother polishing it just yet. Cheers
