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Wolfrace - total piss take

  Renault clio 1.6 16v mk2
i bought a set of the orange pro sprint around x mas and after bout a month i noticed these weird discolourations appearing on the non painted part of the wheels, i rang r-tec where i bought em from n they told me the batch i bought had a problem with the lacquer n it was lifting. bout 2 days b4 i went to get them replaced some idiot almost ran me off the road causing me to scrub one of the wheels v slightly on a kerb causing a v v v slight 2 inch scuff on the wheel. when i got to r-tec they told me they wouln't replace that wheels as it was damaged - HOW IS THIS RIGHT - the wheel was faulty due to a manufacturer default the scuff didnt affect this in any way especiallly when u consider that wolfrace will only melt the faulty ones down n use the alloy again. i contacted wolfrace n the bloke actually laughed at me down the phone so i wrote them a letter but have still recieved no reponse has anyone else had a similar problem any idea;s how i can get it sorted ???:( :( :(
  Blown up 182 & Mondeo TDI
Damage or no damage they have to replace them. Go and see your local trading standards chap. If you paid by CC call your issuer and get them to revoke your payment untill sorted.

Good luck, keep us posted
As above - trading standards, citizens advice bureau, contact the credit card company and tell them they've sold you goods that weren't fit for purpose! (or whatever the wording is lol)


thats unfortunate m8, i had my alloy wheels fitted down at r-tec and im sure there is a clause in the contract that if the alloys are damaged (kurbed) it voids the warranty with them, ultimately leaving ur only option with wolfrace, as the guys above said get trading standards involved, coz if item is faulty, its up to wolfrace to replace them, hope it goes well fella. keep us posted
  Blown up 182 & Mondeo TDI
By law you have 12 months waranty on anything you buy. Its your 'statatory rights'. Over that then you are up a creek
  R35 GTR
By law you have 12 months waranty on anything you buy. Its your 'statatory rights'. Over that then you are up a creek

A little misinformation, 12 months is not a legal requirement. A product being fit for its purpose is. If your veg from netto goes mouldy after a few weeks, you cant demand a refund.
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
Also if you damage the wheel yourself thats covered under warranty, by scuffing the wheel you may have shot yourself in the foot. Check it with tradign standards but you may be left to dry on that wheel. unlucky mate
  Blown up 182 & Mondeo TDI
By law you have 12 months waranty on anything you buy. Its your 'statatory rights'. Over that then you are up a creek

A little misinformation, 12 months is not a legal requirement. A product being fit for its purpose is. If your veg from netto goes mouldy after a few weeks, you cant demand a refund.

Yes knew i would get pulled up on that lol.

I have been on a course at work about this to do with our power tool policy. If you buy a power tool from us and it breaks down and is older than 1month old we send it to be repaired. This is actually wrong and if the customer kicks up we have to replace it with a new one. Having learnt this i managed to get Currys to replace my tomtom instead of getting it fixed. This only applies to the first 12 months though.
