Stupid Ford design. Was out for a drive yesterday, was going pretty hard I admit so the usual was happening in the driver's footwell ! The exhaust manifold runs right next to your feet and they start to cook

Then something happened that I have heard about in the ST's when driven hard. The PAS fluid started to boil

got a flash of warning light's on the dash then the steering went solid, Pulled over popped the bonnet to be greeted with a nasty hot smell :dead:. Let it cool down and carried on back home. Thankfully doesn't seem to have caused any damage what so ever, so topped it back up and has been fine today. Oh and I lost a centre cap off the front wheel
Now going to wait until payday and chop it in for something a bit more fun (not a Clio mind). Father needs his 5 series now so that's out of the question. Trying to drive the ST fast is quite demanding i have found out, and I find myself stepping out of the car disappointed with it. I knew it wasn't going to be as fast as the Clio but think I underestimated just how much harder it was going to be. Certainly makes you respect just how much of a good car the Clio is though.
Any suggestions on the next car then ? Got a bit of monies to play with (£2500) aswell as the Fiesta. Iam thinking a Civic Type
R (wait's for the hail of abuse) or a RS Megane ?