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Word 2007 & Endnote X3

  1.8 Civic EX
Quick question, I have word 2007 & endnote x3 installed on the laptop. All been working fine untill a recent windows update.

Now everytime i exit word i get an Endnote X3 "unknown error". click ok then word just restarts and goes round in circles unless i cancel the restart.

any ideas?

(usings windows vista by the way)
  1.8 Civic EX
have I just asked a question that the people of CS can't answer?!?

today is a sad day.... :( CS members have been defeated!
  Bumder With A Buffer
Try going into the control programs and select "repair" function on endnote.

Other then that I cant think of anything without searching google!
  1.8 Civic EX
Try going into the control programs and select "repair" function on endnote.

Other then that I cant think of anything without searching google!

good shout! I'll try that later.

I've had a look around on google and it may be some sort of registry issue with word since the update but everywhere I look it's just for X1 or X2, not X3.

Any error code/screen shots? More detail etc.

The error is just a box with an OK button and it simply says Endnote X3 - Unknown Error
  Bumder With A Buffer
Yeah I did a bit of googling and did come across the old registry issue comments.

Not good!
