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Worn Bolster on 172 Seat, Anyone applied anything?

  2002 Clio Sport 172
The bolster on my 172 seat (FF) drivers seat is alittle worn, has anyone used anything that can restore this? or had it re-dyed or anything? I keep seeing adverts to replenish cracked leather etc, but wonder does it actually work?

  RS Clio 200
try some AG leather cleaner followed by leather care cream.... keeps it nice....

Use the cleaner with a soft toothbrush and get right into the cracks and lines. Then use a soft cloth to really work in the care cream. Should help a bit
  Clio 172 mk2
You can pick up seats pretty cheap second hand on here.

I would advise using a seat cover in the future too to stop the fabric getting fooked.
  2002 Clio Sport 172
I only need drivers side, and no-one will split far off £150+

Sadly seat was like it when i bought it.. Girl was a Jeans fan, hence the scuffing :(

Its nothing major, just me being fussy to be honest, and just wondered if anyone had a miracle cure to it, as it seems common - Cheap seat coverings i guess.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
My bolster started to wear on my 172 , i had a bloke round from trimline repairing a fag burn , he redyed the bolster as well , all for £40 .He did a top job , you couldn't see the fag burn and the bolster looked like new afterwards .
  2002 Clio Sport 172
Thanks for your help, thats just what i need i think.

Do they only do trade stuff?
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ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
The guy i used said they mainly do trade , but he said they do private customers as well .
