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Would you buy it (offline iphone 3g)? unlocking ?

  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
So my mate upgraded but didn't like the new 3g version and could do with the cash, has offered me an absolutely brand new iphone 3g for £280...totally mint etc etc, it's been turned on etc but wrapping still on it etc etc

You think it's worth buying it and waiting till and unlock comes out for version 2.0?

I've been reading about the unlocking and apparently it's still not avalible, even via turbosim it's difficult, but there are companies on the web claiming to be able to do it for £30 odd....any ideas?
Yeah.. i would.. i used to a Iphone 2G that was unlocked and jailbroken.. now that they`ve bought out the appstore, there really isnt that much incentive to unlock my 3G.. quite happy with the apps i can get on this.

Which version is it? 280 is good price for 8gb as long as its without a contract or anything.
  172 Cup, Ibiza Cupra
If the iPhones runnig firmware 2.0.1 and you can get access to a Mac with Pwnage 2.0 installed i'm pretty sure you can Jailbreak and Unlock the phone now. I'm not sure what the windows version of Pwnage is at the moment.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
really? i thought all unlocks on iphone 3g weren't out yet :/ ok ill look into that, can prob get access to a mac..

looked into it...seems pwnage will jailbreak but not software unlock it...


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  500 Bhp Golf R 7.5
sure you can unlock it with quickpwn's latest version


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8
no unlock availible yet, they have been saving it for 2.1 as far as i can see... there will prob be a 2.1 unlock...
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
hmm the one i bought from the ebay link claims no software installation of modifications needed, apparently plug n play. I'm picking up the 3g tonight and i'll get the sim in about 8 days so i'll post back and let you know if it works, will be quite useful for those inteneding on hacking a version 2.01 PAYG iphone..
