hey guys sorry to post another moaning post but i cant take this no more
as some may know my car booked in for a £200 job on wednesday just to get the speedo to work but now something much worse has happended
driving the car tonight, all of a sudden on decelerating without the break it starts to jerk with severe gear stick movement, and when accelerating the same thing happen, jerking and what seems like resistance to the drive of the car. whirring noise and jerking, right now i thinking FFS what wrong now
continue to drive till i get it home. get out and check and when not in gear, the engine revs freely and no noise or whirring
go out for a drive again the noises got worse. now theres cluck. clunk and aswell as whirring and resistance from what seems like gearbox area. this happens on gears changes and does not sound too good at all. when driving it goes cluc clunk ect ect and does not get quieter, this happens in each gear
does anyone know whats wrong. i suspect the box has died but hey it engages each gearl very smoothly still but the noises are unbearable to drive it anywhere esp the cluck clunk noises
im with the AA but will they toe me to a reno garage as the engine runs ect ect and kinda driveable
what else could it be