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That seems to have come around quick.

I'd expect iOS 7 preview by old Jony boy, announcement of OSX 10.9 Cheetara with a show off of the best features, new MacBooks / iMacs to take advantage of said world changing new features, Tim Cook presenting awkwardly.

Maybe. I've no idea.


ClioSport Club Member
I don't like the new style they've gone with for IOS 7 but maybe thats a sign that this one is actually going to be drastically different?

They should also be showing off iRadio too.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
If it's different for improvements, then I'm looking forward to iOS 7. But if it's different just for the sake of being different...

More interested in seeing the iPhone 5S/6 tbh, I wonder when that reveal will be, maybe August or September?
  320d M Sport
Yea was just about to say, isn't this one usually just software type stuff?

Whats the time etc anyway? Will there be a live feed?
I'm hoping they announce that iOS auto brightness can now dim the backlight when returning to a darker room, after just having increased it when moving from a darker room to a bright one.

Oh and that Mountain Lion is now able to remember my chosen desktop background.

That would be nice.


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
I most looking forward to a keynote that's devoid of Scott Forstall :)

iOS7 is obviously the interesting one, have they learned that their way of doing stuff isn't always the best or right way? Rumors and off handed remarks seem to imply that there is scope for it to be more open.....time will tell though.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
I don't like the new style they've gone with for IOS 7 but maybe thats a sign that this one is actually going to be drastically different?

They should also be showing off iRadio too.

How have you seen it? Or are you just guessing?


ClioSport Club Member
How have you seen it? Or are you just guessing?

Sorry should of made myself clearer, the different advertising style.


  • ios7bigger.jpg
    210.5 KB · Views: 148


ClioSport Club Member
Maybe I'm looking into it too much then, but previous IOS advertising has all been very similar and so has the iOS.

I wish that they would be revealing a new iPhone, as my 4 is very much so ready for an upgrade now and I don't want to buy a 5 knowing that in a few months, the new one will be out.
I wish I had two apple TVs. I would be having a proper geekgasm tonight - WWDC on one, E3 on t'other.

I say would, I'll just use the iPad.
