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XP problem - :@

  172 Cup
Try creating a second user account, restart, select the new account and see if the same thing happens.
I think its something to do with the most recent update, as last week Automatic update told me there was a new update, so i downloaded and isntalled it, and then the exact same thing happened. So I reformatted and put XP x64 on and it was fine. But due to XP x64 not being fully compatible with some of the software I use, I today decided to go back to XP 32bit. And updated it to the latest updates, and its doing it again. Really getting on my nerves.
  RS 200
Agree with Griff, could be that the profile is being created for that user, applying settings and creating the desktop etc. Does it happen every time you log on?

Could also be that the updates are being completed after the reboot, try rebooting without applying any updates or making any changes. Hot and cold restarts.
Agree with Griff, could be that the profile is being created for that user, applying settings and creating the desktop etc. Does it happen every time you log on?

Hmmm, but it did it with my old install too? And yep, happens each and every time I log on.

Could also be that the updates are being completed after the reboot, try rebooting without applying any updates or making any changes. Hot and cold restarts.

Tried running Microsoft Update again and it said I'm up to date. Ive rebooted at least ten times :dead:
hmm same here... never given me any problems.

Try unplugging any extra USB things that you dont need. whenever i leave my ipod plugged in when booting, my pc takes an extra 30 seconds on the same screen your getting stuck on... just a thought.
Only USB things I use are mouse and keyboard. The other USB devices I use get plugged in when/if I need them
  RB 182
Does Ctrl, Alt and Delete work? Might not be loading something that you can force, like explorer.exe.
Start >> Run >> "msconfig"

Then go to startup, is there anything there you could afford to lose? quicktime etc adobe launchers?
  K20 EG Hatch
try turning autop updates to off.
restart and see if its any better, i have had this trouble only the other day and apparently i read somewhere on the net the auto updates were doing it...
Gave it another reformat and used Autopatcher to update it, working a treat now......................... But for how long o_O
