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dirty diesel #2

Soo it's been mapped! What a difference! It's not been done on a dyno so the power/tourqe increase is a mystery, need to get a power test done to find out, but much better to drive now and increased fuel economy! Winning! Soo happy with my lil beast now! :)
And as quickly as it started it's finished ): clio number 2 = death by water ): driving to work van put a bow wave over my windscreen and it spluttered and died. Me being stupid tried bump starting it so killed it even more... On to the next project now.. ):
Looking at a 1.4corsa Sri for now, until the insurance is sensible on a sport, lost interest in doing it all again on another standard clio. Be a shame to see her go as I had it just how I wanted too! ):
I understand what came next:(, but did you have some modded air intake or the standard one?

I am curious because i have often situations like you wrote and till now i thought it is not so easy to get water into the engine.

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
He had a van push water up over his windscreen so I'd hazard a guess we're all fine with the airfeed in standar location, aslong as the water level doesn't go over the bottom grill height ( I've relocated mine to point at the top grill near the alternator
I can only find high milers with the same engine, and the derv pumps on the dci's as we all know are kak... I'd rather not risk the money on an engine that could be as good as mine is now lol! The corsas cheap and good mileage fsh etc so I'd rather that and sell the shell of the clio to someone who wants to invest their time on it, jus lost love in her because if it :/ I'll be back with clios when an rs comes cheap enough to insure :)
Yeah I'd help. I've also offered to buy the car, and want first refusal.

The pump isnt an issue BTW, you'd just fit your pump and injectors, it'd require a belt change, but you'd want to do that anyway.
I know you don't dan lol! Just saying I'm not fussed who has it if they wanna but it as is, otherwise will take off the bits worth money and scrap the shell! Loved the car to bits tbh was just how I wanted but as I said time to move on till I can insure a trophy ;) I will be back! Hahaa!
. And soo the dirty diesel is now gone and in the fate of AlexW who may break or keep it, sad to see her go but on to other things! But, I shall probably be back with something next year ;)
