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iPhone 6 thread.


  172 track thingy
So the new iphone 6 is on its way, companys confirming they are employing upto 100,000 extra people to take on the work load of getting potetially 2 different sized iPhone 6s out with a variety of memory sizes available within each size.

the realese date is looking like its going to be september going off the rumours and the companies have started production of the smaller handset this month and the larger handset in august.

Also some great features being thrown around in these rumours such as wireless charging and NFC (contactless payment system) as well as the new sapphire glass screen, obviously some radom features being thrown around but the better more useful features seem to be coming up from more relaible sources more often which is a good sign :)

Not so sure on the area passcode idea though, I think I need my passcode on my phone more so when im at home lol

I for one only seem to upgrade my phone when the new varient of iphone comes out (missing out the S models) as I don't see the point in changing every year so its put me in a good mood knowing they are going for an overhaul with the new iPhone 6, Oh and the potential for 50% more battery life in both the large and small version will be much appreciated as the iphone 5 is dreadful now :S

anyway here a link to some of the more reasonable ideas for the iPhone 6 :)
  A shiny black one.
I got my 5 on release day so I'm up for a new contract. I can't see myself doing anything other than jumping straight into another contract with another 64gb iphone. The only thing that'll put me off is the size, I'd be happy with an extra 1-1.5cm top and side.


  172 track thingy
looking at sizes the smaller one of the 2 doesn't look too big but the larger one is too close to the ipad air size, most people with an iPhone have an iPad so why bother bringing the sizes closer together?


ClioSport Club Member
If they bought out the iPhone in the link you've posted I'll be really disappointed.

I really wish they would make the width frameless. Like...

In the 80's everything was massive, since then we've been shrinking things down to the size of stamps. Things now can't go any smaller, so let's go the only way possible - big again!

Won't be long before people are resting iPhones on their shoulders blasting out Spotify playlists in public.

I'm sure the iPhone 6 will be great - and I'll probably get one - as my contract is up start of next year, but I really don't like the idea of a bigger iPhone. Part of the brilliance of the iPhone, to me, is that is can be just held in one hand and used really comfortably and easily with a thumb. Not used like an iPad.

But I expect to be impressed, as per.
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  911 GTS Cab
Must admit, after using a Samsung 4s for a while now, when i pick up my iPhone the screen seems tiny.
Must admit, after using a Samsung 4s for a while now, when i pick up my iPhone the screen seems tiny.

Goes without saying. For me that's a good thing. I don't use my phone for anything much other than calls and SMS. I don't need a bread board in my pocket.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy

If I need to do some serious business i can whip out the iPad. iPhone is great for email on the go, and quickly looking for something with mobile data or twitter/facebook etc.

If I need to type any meaningful email I just go MBP.

I don't really get this need for such large phones but everyone has different needs. I don't need anything bigger than the iPhone 5S.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Like most people i do not want something thats is almost as big as the iPad mini.

My upgrade is due on the 28th Aug so i will hold out for the iPhone 6 but it will be the 4.7" phone with 64gb if possible.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Usually Apple are quite good at preventing leaks. All seems too good to be true to me?
Who knows
Not for the past few years though - I remember years ago you'd be amazed when a new phone was announced. These days, chances are you've already had a glimpse of it.

Besides - that one in the video I posted is a fake - running android, based on a 'leaked' copy of the iPhone 6 case. I think.

I just posted it for the size comparison really.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Without a freak incident like leaving a mule in an asian bar you don't find s**t out about the iPhone until release.

I'm due an upgrade but i'll be honest, after using the S5 and the M8, the 6 will have to be so special to tempt me. 12 months ago, I would have laughed at anyone saying that.


ClioSport Club Member
Anyone else had o2 offering them early free upgrades lately? To do with phones 4u ...

My upgrade is due around september so bit of a result!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
One was in September, release month and the other is a basic.

You know what my point was.
  Mini Cooper S sport
I'm still rocking with a 4S because it's free through work! I'm sure I won't get an upgrade for a long time yet.

Phones are so big nowadays, they're like iPad minis.


ClioSport Club Member
I have a 4s too, does all the same things anyway tbh. Nice and cheap contract and no brick = winner.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Great to read not everyone wants a bigger phone! I really don't either... tbh I can see them keeping the 'C' a smaller phone and releasing the premium one larger, but I hope not. I'm another person with a contract ending in September so will probably pick one up regardless of what they do!

I was prepared to move over to Windows Phone this year, I love my girlfriend's one, but I wanted to a see a premium metal 'Surface' phone or similar. Nothing yet, but maybe it's too soon after buying Nokia.
Been out of contract since sept last year, my 32gb 5 is still working well (granted it was a warranty replacement back in Nov') but it in certain places it lacks compared to newer handsets i.e. the Xperia Z2 is epic and tbh i'd probably change to the Z2 if i wasn't so curious about the 6'
i'm still using my 4s since release, it's been faultless but i'll but upgrading to the 6 when it comes out. The 4s screen is perfect imo so i hope it's around the same size


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Been out of contract since sept last year, my 32gb 5 is still working well (granted it was a warranty replacement back in Nov') but it in certain places it lacks compared to newer handsets i.e. the Xperia Z2 is epic and tbh i'd probably change to the Z2 if i wasn't so curious about the 6'

I found the Z2 I tried less responsive than the S5, you fnd it okay? The touch (resistive/captive) just took that split second longer.
I've got a 4 & a 5.

I still stand by the fact there's nothing wrong with the 4 however the updates have slowed the phone down a ridiculous amount!
Typical Apple.

Personally, i would prefer a slightly bigger screen.
  An orange one
I'm happy with my 5S for now, I can upgrade through O2 refresh so I'll see if my want levels are high enough nearer the time, but phones don't excite me as much now tbh, I still find the gold 5S a stunning looking device.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
That's what attracts me most about them. The game has caught up but the design is just lovely. It's a quality piece of tech.
It's the service and backup for me, Samsung can't compete with apple in terms of customer service or build quality. If I have an issue with my phone I walk into apple and they sort it. Samsung make you send it back and wait and wait and sometimes don't even sort them, the amount of people I know with issues that apple just sort.

Anyway every year I say I'm not getting the new one every year I get it, I've gone 3G, 3GS, 4s, 5, 5s


  BMW 440i
Can't wait to upgrade having had the 5 from launch. (September 20thish 2012).

Tempted to go for a 4G contract this time, I'll definitely be going 32GB again as well.

20% off with Voda through work which is nice.
Can't wait to upgrade having had the 5 from launch. (September 20thish 2012).

Tempted to go for a 4G contract this time, I'll definitely be going 32GB again as well.

20% off with Voda through work which is nice.

Yeah I think 32 is the bench mark for most, my misses has a 64gb 5 - originally started with a 16 but she lost the 16 and the insurance sent a 64 as they didn't have any 16s or 32s in stock, the best of it is, she only uses around 12gb lol.

I get 30% off with Vodafone so it sort of makes iPhone contracts look reasonable in comparison with other handsets.


  BMW 440i
Yeah I think 32 is the bench mark for most, my misses has a 64gb 5 - originally started with a 16 but she lost the 16 and the insurance sent a 64 as they didn't have any 16s or 32s in stock, the best of it is, she only uses around 12gb lol.

I get 30% off with Vodafone so it sort of makes iPhone contracts look reasonable in comparison with other handsets.

Stop willy waving about your extra 10%! Lol! How do you get 30%? Mine is through

The amount our company spend with and do business with Voda I can't believe it's not more than 20% tbh. I've got 6GB left on my 32GB but that reduces after each holidays holiday pics/other pics being taken!
