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The Cars Spotted Appreciation Thread

  An orange one
Spotted this smashed up GTR on the M6 southbound earlier. Someone's day got expensive!!

  BMW 330D
I saw this in the middle of gorton (which is where shameless was filmed to add some context) I've read that there's only 500 of them and I just saw a price at $300,000

  BMW 330D
Was parked outside gymnastics must of been a posh kid in there competing, bet her dad spent all his time watching his car out the window though!.Must of got worried when he saw my shady looking old 330 pull next to it!
F40 just now, and the dude opened it up once he saw me & some dude taking a pic :approve: I'll get a pic up later.


ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo C30
Had an Audi A1 Quattro come past me on the m4 a few weeks back. Looked a lot better in the flesh. Actually quite liked it!

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
If I ever won big, then id be buying a F40 in a heart beat.

Such epic car's. :cool:
  182, SQ7, Trafic
The 6x6 Mercedes G wagon following a Pagani Huarya



They crept round the corner and wasn't quite quick enough lol!
A mix of recent ones from me, some standing out for bad reasons rather than good!
The owner has 4 of them!

Mega loud Rover.


Can't be many like this around.
  Clio RS 172 cup
Just a couple I spotted when visiting a local garage with a friend.


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I've seen a Jaguar XFR S the past few mornings, it's white with black bonnet vents & wheels, the noise is absolutely awesome!!
I'll try for a pic, but it's usually moving.
Was bored sat at home last night so decided to drive to London.
Ended up driving all over the place and not getting home till 1am.
Saw a few cars whilst I was there!




  LY 200 EDC LUX
Spotted this a while ago at fleet services on the M3. The chick stood next to it didn't own it, she was blatantly (and rather embarrassingly) loitering in the hope of catching the guy who drove it. However, the guy turned up......with his missus in tow lol



ClioSport Club Member
A chap near me has one which comes out every now and again.


He also has a F40, Enzo etc :(
  Rb 182
Passed this in Greenock today. Thought it was awesome so had to take a pic.


This passed me a few weeks ago in the poring rain



Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
A Vanquish on the Motorway, same colour as this. Jaw dropping, utterly jaw dropping!

