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The 'Where's my old Clio' Thread.

  Clio 172 gocart :)
About 10 years ago I had a 172 exclusive. Y69 Wen
I think it was number 147
Any ideas?
Progression for cars went escort,mini,scirocco mk2,mini,golf gti mk 2, vts Saxo, 172,tt250,Volvo company car, focus, audi s3,new scirocco,golf r 305bhp, 172 phase 2.
Real progression :)
And the winner for fun factor is.... 172's!
We nearly bought it back, was a fantastic car when we sold it, had a deal set up, however the guy on eBay messed up the reserve on it and it sold to 3Dcar sales, they bought it for £3,000 through eBay, may of knocked him down I don't know but I know they are lying rude scammers.

The way we got spoken to by them after we told them its not a cup / cup packed model etc was disgraceful. Waste of a good car, and its had a fair few owners since us, the suspension makes me laugh everytime, looks ridiculous! I see they have also lowered the price now!


ClioSport Club Member
DIdn't look like it had been serviced since Louise got rid of it, there was paint/bodywork damage all over it, with some horrific attempts to touch it up, Top Gear cone filter, possible injector failure because it was misfiring badly with a flashing EML, those springs were awful. Not sure what they'll end up selling it for, but it's in a bit of a sorry state. Shame because it looks mint when your other half had it.

Did you sell privately to a guy from South Wales?
LOL Top gear air filter, and yes I noticed they mentioned the cambelt being done (by us 3-4 years ago), sold it around 2 1/2 years ago now only because we were buying a house, always said we would have it have back, but not now, shame.

Yes a guy in Wales bought it, took it to Nurburgring I believe and other track days and then started having problems with it, sold it on to his friend who was a police officer so he said, and then it went to 3d cars who sound "very professional" I notice the mileage in their advert is less than they bought it on..

I do miss it though in its prime

  2005 Cliosport 182
Silver 182...NK05 BBE
Had a message on here when I rejoined from someone called Trevor I think? Be nice to know if it's still in good nick.
  Mondial Blue 172 Cup
Don't suppose anyone on here used to have my 172 Cup?
Originally came from Sunwin Renault in Blackpool, had someone own it for a month and then was part Ex'd to Derby Trade Car Centre where I bought it.
  MG ZR x2, Polo, CTR
Anyone know any history on mine?
Iceberg Ph2 RX51 NGZ
I've owned it nearly 6 years, but it came with minimal paperwork
  Renault Clio 172 CUP
Been on here a while on and off but don't post much.
Just wondered if my 172 cup was on here when it was new? Or with previous owners?
When I originally bought the car it had some clio sticker in the glovebox. I sold it and bought it back a year or so later.
Registration is:
  Clio 182
Any previous owners of my 182 on here?

Reg number - VE54 ZYZ

Dan at 519 recognised the plate, wondering if anyone on here owned it, I bought it last summer.
Yep got it mate. Still in Lincolnshire and going well (fingers crossed)
Ahh excellent! I shouldnt have chopped her in haha. I had spent a fair bit jusy before i traded her in! Do you have any plans? If you want any info about the history drop me a pm :)

If you sell up let me know!
  Clio 172
Ahh excellent! I shouldnt have chopped her in haha. I had spent a fair bit jusy before i traded her in! Do you have any plans? If you want any info about the history drop me a pm :smile:

If you sell up let me know!
Nice one mate will do. Lovely car and yeah loads of paperwork for it. Still well maintained, spent about £600 on it myself in last 4months. Had it in at Renault just before Xmas due to ABS, Traction and Service lights coming on, they said it was a brake sensor needed adjusting that's all. Only niggling fault at the moment is water getting in the boot and under back seats in heavy rain. I think it may be leaking in very slowly through a couple of rubber grommets down the back of the car where the boot lid closes, not really sure to be honest. No plans really apart from to keep it in as good condition as possible as it is without doubt one of the best 172's I have seen. Had a couple of lads in Tesco car park looking at it a few weeks ago as I came out with my shopping !


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Nice one mate will do. Lovely car and yeah loads of paperwork for it. Still well maintained, spent about £600 on it myself in last 4months. Had it in at Renault just before Xmas due to ABS, Traction and Service lights coming on, they said it was a brake sensor needed adjusting that's all. Only niggling fault at the moment is water getting in the boot and under back seats in heavy rain. I think it may be leaking in very slowly through a couple of rubber grommets down the back of the car where the boot lid closes, not really sure to be honest. No plans really apart from to keep it in as good condition as possible as it is without doubt one of the best 172's I have seen. Had a couple of lads in Tesco car park looking at it a few weeks ago as I came out with my shopping !

Take off the rear lights and check the rubber seal that goes around the single bolt holding them in - this is usually favourite for letting water in!
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
FD52 MFU - I don't think its been on the road for a few years, but notice it is again now.
  330Ci cab
Ea54 ylp

Noticed it was up for sale again in keighly less than 18 months after part exing it. And at the same price the place I traded it did!
  RS 200
I'd be interested to know if anyone on here had HN05KKE - arctic blue 182, was sold by Seward Renault around October/November 2010.

Me. I brought it from Sewards in the feb. The guy who owned it between us gave it back pretty quick as he smashed it up a little bit. Was to fast for him. She has been well looked after ever since!


ClioSport Club Member
  Straight 6
Me. I brought it from Sewards in the feb. The guy who owned it between us gave it back pretty quick as he smashed it up a little bit. Was to fast for him. She has been well looked after ever since!

Oh that's a shame :(

Would be great to see it again, it was in great condition when my father in law had it!


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
I think @pupster92 had my RB 182 KB54 HWH, don't know if he still does though.

I hope noone has HV05 FKH or W975 LMW as I scrapped them!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
I'd love to know where my old Clio's ended up.

M838 BCC
  Titanium 182
Does anyone know of the previous owner of 2005 titanium clio 182, reg LK05 RJY ?

Bought from a dealership in smethwick, birmingham August last year.

Would like to get in touch as I've found a few mods and would like to know what else has been done as no reciepts were left for me to go off. Any info appreciated:)!
Just curious, I sold my 172 cup (ITB's, OMP cage, etc.. etc..) about 2 years ago. Was wondering if anyone knows where it is now
Would love to see if it was finished or not


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Was shocked you sold Phil when looking through the EPAS thread. Seems like yesterday it was all still being tested out as a new mod!
Re: I wonder what happened to my old 172 + 182

i sold mine to another member off here...think his username was chamelion and came from stratford....ph1 172 x879hpo,god i mis that car..what was i thinking when i sold it
In the south west now , still on the road :)
  BMW 320d SE
I sold my old RB 182 back in 2007/2008. It was HT04KJX. I miss it greatly and regretting chopping it in ever since.
