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Kid threw a stone at my 182.. Caught him on dashcam

Okay I've posted this on CSOC a fair few hours ago. Had Hundreds of feedback, mainly "ID HAVE KILLED HIM!" Hahaha.

Need some sane advice of:
- Where I stand
- Where I can take it
- What do I say (lol)
- What can I do with it
- What else do I need
Etc etc

It happened today at around 3:30 (video is time stamped), driving to the gym which is next to a secondary school.

As I was driving down the side street to go in the gym. s**t kid on the right launched something at me (pebble) then I heard a massive THUD.
Brakes instantly on. Handbrake on. Got out the car.

As soon as I got out the kids bolted away fast as lightning, only the girls stayed to grass the kid who did it up (ran off).
Went round the front to inspect ant damage. Couldn't see any but I was blocking the street so I got back in the car (unimpressed obviously) went to the gym car park, inspected properly and yes there's a nice little chip in the screen. It is little, but none the less it's a chip (cars a 182).

Knowing I have hopefully caught the saddle on dash cam I went into the school and told them what happened.

As greeted by the assistant head teacher, told her what happened.

At this point I didn't really know what happened apart from a kid threw something, hit the car, he shouted "OH s**t!" Then ran off.

At this point I believed I was simply in a "wrong place at the wrong time" situation and told the teacher I don't plan on taking it further as I think Its a silly accident.
She asked me to come in tomorrow with the footage on a USB and took my name and number. She was quite understanding and wanted to deal with it seriously.

Roll on when I get home. Watch the footage and there he is! The little sack waiting for me, lining up his shot and launching a decent sized pebble at me!

Little batty boy!!! Now I do want to take it further as he blatantly caused damage on purpose! Fgt isn't getting away with that. What's he gonna do next? Launch bricks into the motorway??

So what do I say tomorrow when I hand in the footage?

I have;
720p uncompressed version of that video ^

4 zoomed in screenshots of the kid himself
1 screenshot of the kid and his group
1 screenshot of the blatant pebble about to land on the screen.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Not much to say really on your part , other than show them the footage and then ask them what they intend to do about the boy . I'm sure they won't be happy . If it hadn't been your car it would have been someone elses. He was obviously primed and ready to throw the stone at a passing car. He needs teaching a lesson . Luckily for you it's only a small chip on your windscreen. The damage could have been much worse. I hope he gets a good fcukin off the school and then his parents.
  Clio 172
If it was me I would of got out and smashed the c***s face in, I don't care how young he is, you just don't do it. An if you do you pay the price, simple. Police won't do f**k all, when your juvenile police ain't bothered, I caused loads of s**t when I was younger, police just warned me about 20 times. Or if your not that type, do a bit of research, find out who it is, won't be hard with social media. Then drop a bill through his parents letter box.


ClioSport Club Member
I think you should take the vid to the police. That's criminal damage and could have caused an accident. What will be throw at a car next time? The fuzz turning up at his house will hopefully have the desired effect and straighten the little t**t out.
If you can be bothered I would go down the police route and see if they are interested in following it up.

Chances are they would only contact the school same as you so maybe speak to the school, show them the footage, ask if they know the child, then contact the fuzz ontop of that...

Little S**T needs to learn that aint acceptable at all and just a talking to from school wont do anything.
They'll probably just force him to apologise to you. Quite rightly so.

You state it's a little chip. Does it require a repair or windscreen replacement?

Windscreen chips can usually be sorted for free on your insurance. If it was to the bodywork I'd be inclined to go on and on about it and demand it's sorted and paid for. If it is a small chip that a free repair will sort, leave it once you've got your apology. Otherwise I imagine you'll end continuing to go out of your way to get nowhere.


ClioSport Club Member
  Gentlemans spec 200
I'd take it as far as possible. Luckily it was a small Pebble and you're traveling slowly. Larger stone at a higher speed could genuinely cause an accident.


ClioSport Club Member
Unfortunately these little scrotum's are being bred young. Follow it up in the hope that the kid thinks twice in future.


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
Did you not just get our of the car and shout "I know your father!" ? That's what people used to say when I was being mischievous.

That said, he'd probably just reply that he doesn't even know his father.


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
I'd take it further.

It was a little pebble this time but could be an
Ak47 or rpg next time.

The school should deal with that incident and it sounds like they're willing to do so. I don't think it warrants police involvement at the moment unless the kids a total moron doing things of this nature on a regular basis.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
FLOL at the people that say you should have smacked him.

Go into the school with the footage and see what they suggest to do next. See if you can get a meeting in school with him and his parents to come to a solution? Only problem with that is, half the parents these days probably wouldn't give a s**t!
  2014 Clio 200t edc
i definately agree with taking it further, kids like him need to learn and the younger they learn they can't do things like that the better. as you've said change the scenario from driving slowly to you being on a dual carriageway and him doing the same, the results could be a lot worse!
the head teacher should know who it is by the footage and the other kids will probably help id him too, get a meeting and demand the parents sort the windscreen out.


ClioSport Club Member
Take it in the school, and take it further. You want him to pay for the damage, I couldn't care less if your insurance will repair a chip for free or not, you make them pay whatever the cost to do it without insurance is. It'll soon teach them a lesson.

I'd also get the police involved, it's irrelevant that it's a child, I had this issue when a pissed up bloke decided to walk infront of my car a few years ago and punch the bonnet then try and get into the car. I got the police involved, they identified the bloke and allowed it to be sorted amicably between the two of us, he paid me x amount, I didn't go any further, but I bet it s**t him up a bit.
  28k Trophy - R1200GS
Police will do sweet FA sadly. I had a kid throw a stone at my car.

Dashcam footage showing the person who chucked the stone clearly.
All I got from the 5O was insufficient evidence. They didn't even view the footage! Useless.

To top it of they are rated as the only 'Outstanding' police force in England. Bahahaha

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
As others - definitely follow it up if you can.

I had a large stone dropped on my previous car from a carriageway fly-over by a bunch of kids. It hit the passenger wing with enough force that it punched a hole clean through it. A few feet the other way and a fraction of a second later, and it could have hit me. Luckily I was the only one in the car at the time. I reported it to the Police and they had had a previous report earlier in the week from the same bridge. They said the would closely monitor that area afterwards.

The hot-headed side of me however - would have hand-braked, got out and slammed the little s**t against the railings before he even realised what was going on. Unfortunately, in the soft-arse, namby-pamby, one-never-looses-we-all-win, technicolour, abstract, lentil-munching society that we currently live in - no doubt you would be sentenced to 84 years and be classified as a sergeant within Jimmy Savile's personal army for doing so.

I strongly disagree with people who say "it's just kids - no need to be so harsh on them". Look, we've all done stupid things as a kid - but common sense and far more importantly, proper upbringing by parents who actually give a toss - show us what is right and wrong from a very early age. Talking around a table with this little scroat and Brenda, the school's softly-spoken liason is hardly likely to change things, is it? If anything, he'll gain credit and respect from his mates from having gone through that. Having a screaming adult pinning you against the school fence after you've just damaged his car - will have FAR more impact.

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
Police won't do anything, his parent mist likely care either.

I'd go to the school with the footage. Even though he isn't on school grounds he still has his uniform on, and school always see this as him still representing the school. They won't want the image of this lad being portrayed as typical of their school.


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
Think of the work involved for the cozzers if you wanted it doing 'right' with them involved.

1) you call the cops

2) they dispatch an officer

3) officer takes a statement from you outlining what happened

4) officer seizes dash cam footage

5) officer attends school and obtains a further statement from a member of staff identifying the Cheb in the footage

6) officer submits paperwork and sends off footage to be copied 3 X for evidential value

7) officer arranges to interview said Cheb after contacting social services to have someone present to act as appropriate adult

8) officers interviews cheb at station with appropriate adult present

9) officer submits youth offending referral

10) officer writes summary of case and submits file

11) file comes back with decision to issue youth caution as not in the public interest to take to court

12) officer gets Cheb back in with social services to issue caution

13) victim updated and feels unhappy that he is not getting his window paid for, comes on cs and slags the police off

14) cop feels deflated as he's wasted two days dealing with this shite

15) kid still doesn't give a s**t

16) public purse drained by another £15k.
  Abarth 595
Police wont do anything, waste of time going to them. If you arsed, go into the school and find out who he is and ask the school to contact his parents and ask for payment to repair it. If not, just get it repaired for free through your insurance and if you see the kid again, throw a stone at his head.


ClioSport Moderator
It was a little pebble this time but could be an Ak47 or rpg next time.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Have you done him for attempted murder yet? Thought I saw this on FBI files earlier.

Surely this is criminal damage or vandalism?

I suggest driving past with a medieval catapult on a trailer and launching rocks back.
  MG ZR x2, Polo, CTR
Have you tried to get on Judge Rinder or Jeremy Kyle with this yet?
bet Rinder would give the little scrote a right bumming


ClioSport Club Member
Think of the work involved for the cozzers if you wanted it doing 'right' with them involved.

1) you call the cops

2) they dispatch an officer

3) officer takes a statement from you outlining what happened

4) officer seizes dash cam footage

5) officer attends school and obtains a further statement from a member of staff identifying the Cheb in the footage

6) officer submits paperwork and sends off footage to be copied 3 X for evidential value

7) officer arranges to interview said Cheb after contacting social services to have someone present to act as appropriate adult

8) officers interviews cheb at station with appropriate adult present

9) officer submits youth offending referral

10) officer writes summary of case and submits file

11) file comes back with decision to issue youth caution as not in the public interest to take to court

12) officer gets Cheb back in with social services to issue caution

13) victim updated and feels unhappy that he is not getting his window paid for, comes on cs and slags the police off

14) cop feels deflated as he's wasted two days dealing with this shite

15) kid still doesn't give a s**t

16) public purse drained by another £15k.
That sounds fair. I PAY MY GODDAM TAXES![emoji1] [emoji1] [emoji1] [emoji1] [emoji1]
