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oil change didn’t go as planned

My oil change didn’t go as planned today :/ and ended up costing me a lot of money and grief! So maybe my idiocy will help someone else avoid making this mistake!

So I drained the old oil no problem, removed the fuel rail guard to get to the old oil filter. Then the problems started!

Whoever serviced it last time tightened the oil filter to within an inch of its life and didn’t put any fresh oil over the rubber seal either.

I firstly spent about 10 mins trying to remove a couple of electrical connectors next to the oil filter to gain more access. Great place to put them!

Then, despite applying pressure to the oil filter removal tool with everything I had, the bugger wouldn’t budge. Both friends and I had a go but got nowhere.

So I punched a hole through it in the end with a screw driver and twisting as hard as I could again, managed to eventually loosen the bugger!

All plain sailing after that then I guess you’re thinking? Oh no.....

By giving it everything I had I ended up snapping off two electrical connectors on the injectors with my arm without even realising! Quick search online to see euro car parts luckily had 2 new injectors in stock. Managed to get a lift there and bought both for £85, which I fitted shortly after.

I then couldn’t find the sump plug and new washer as I threw all my tools into the boot before going to euro car parts. Eventually found both and was able to complete the rest of the oil change without any issues.

Thank goodness they had two in stock and being open on a Saturday otherwise I would’ve been stuffed!

I made sure the oil filter was tightened properly so the next time I service it I won’t have to go Beast Mode on it again and snap off any more injectors!

I will be more careful next time :wink:
Hahaha I did the exact same thing last year. I used a shite tool for the oil filter and the handle ripped the wire off... hassle!

Omg, I am glad I’m not the only one who’s done this It’s such a pain isn’t it!
Nothing will beat the relief of sorting out problems like that, though it would be nice if it just went smoothly in the first place


ClioSport Club Member
  Cup 172
The oil filter placement on them is difficult to access. Never understand why they don’t think thess things through. Glad you got it sorted. The amount of screwdrivers I’ve had to put through old filters is unreal. Filter removal tools are pretty hopeless most of the time
Nothing will beat the relief of sorting out problems like that, though it would be nice if it just went smoothly in the first place

Haha you’re so right mate! I’ve had a few jobs go not quite as planned but if you do manage to get them done you feel a sense of achievement lol! At least I know I have new injectors and a fresh oil change. Actually, probably still cheaper than it would’ve been for an oil change at Renault!
Yes mate, I only damaged one. I shat myself as my skills were limited to changing a wheel, attempted an oil service and did that.. then had to change an injector!

Ah phew, at least it only cost you half what I paid ;) did you get yours from ECP too? I always find when stuff goes wrong at least you learn a new skill ;)
The oil filter placement on them is difficult to access. Never understand why they don’t think thess things through. Glad you got it sorted. The amount of screwdrivers I’ve had to put through old filters is unreal. Filter removal tools are pretty hopeless most of the time

Totally agree mate! Annoyingly, the oil filter tricks you into thinking it will be easy to get to as it’s right at the front of the engine. In fact, I could grip it without even removing the fuel rail guard. However when they’re really tight it can quickly turn into a nightmare job.
I’ve changed the oil on quite a few of my cars now and have had to punch a screwdriver in many an oil filter too:/ Wish they all came with a socket on the end of them instead!
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ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
About a billion times easier if you approach it from below, bugger taking the fuel rail guard off!

The location of my Saab one is unreal, whoever thought that would be a good location needs shooting.
About a billion times easier if you approach it from below, bugger taking the fuel rail guard off!

The location of my Saab one is unreal, whoever thought that would be a good location needs shooting.

Next time I’m definitely getting to it from underneath too (although it should be much easier to remove I hope!)
Haha, there are so many engine designers that need shooting. I have lost count on pretty much every car I’ve owned!
I also like how that they've got the filter at just a slight angle, so as you unwind it the oil then drains out all over the front of the block and pools in all the strengthening ribs!
I also like how that they've got the filter at just a slight angle, so as you unwind it the oil then drains out all over the front of the block and pools in all the strengthening ribs!

Yeah I watched it spill out oil there too but by that point I had given up caring
Why do they put them in such stupid places ?

My 1.1 east coast saxo was right at the front ! In the middle of the block lol

My mum did manage to put a gaping hole in one the once thou ? Somehow

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
A proper oil filter tool would have got it undone, but yeah they can be a pain.

The 3 claw filter tools are the best if you have the room, followed by long handled filter grips.
A proper oil filter tool would have got it undone, but yeah they can be a pain.

The 3 claw filter tools are the best if you have the room, followed by long handled filter grips.

Yeah I would’ve used the three prong one but left it at home so I had to use my mates removal tool with chain instead:/ tbh I might’ve still ripped the injectors off though as the oil filter was crazily tight!


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
I find oil changes a piece of piss on 1*2's but I have been doing them on mine for years, I will admit the first one was a pain in the arse, but once you've had the fuel rail guard off once and not snapped the threads it's easy after that, I also use the claw thing which always gets the filers off no problem.
  Clio RS 172 2002
I found a cup-style filter tool and a 600 mm breaker bar work for the first half turn off. After that a normal ratchet handle is enough.

The second time I did an oil change I overfilled by about 0.1 litres. When trying to correct this I ended up dumping about a litre on the garage floor because i dropped the plug and the oil cane out faster and hotter than I expected. Now I fill to a bit over half way between the marks and top off a couple of days later.


ClioSport Club Member
You can get the 3-prong tool in without removing the fuel rail guard, you only need it to crack the filter off before doing the rest by hand.

chris blue

ClioSport Area Rep
  172 Ph1 2001
Hard luck OP
Mine was really hard to remove last time round, even with the correct tool- and i made sure i didnt overtighten when i put the oil filter on the time before that.
Dont bother messing with the filter guard myself, so struggle with it in place- best part half hour- even smeared the oil around the seal etc etc

The about a week later went for a wheel alignmen,. and they said they could do filter and oil change for about £35- not much more than the oil and filter cost me.....
You can get the 3-prong tool in without removing the fuel rail guard, you only need it to crack the filter off before doing the rest by hand.

Yeah although tbh I could reach the oil filter fine with the fuel rail guard in place but there's no way I could've undone it anyway. Next time I'll try and get to it underneath though!
Feel your pain, I was once 'undoing' a hub nut with the aid of a scaffold pole over the end of my socket (moments y0). Turns out I was actually tightening the nut by standing on the pole and it flew off and cracked the mirror casing/shattered the mirror and skinned my knee on the tarmac. This whole exercise was because 2 stud nuts had snapped off in the hub
Feel your pain, I was once 'undoing' a hub nut with the aid of a scaffold pole over the end of my socket (moments y0). Turns out I was actually tightening the nut by standing on the pole and it flew off and cracked the mirror casing/shattered the mirror and skinned my knee on the tarmac. This whole exercise was because 2 stud nuts had snapped off in the hub

Hahaha that’s arguably even more of a fail than I managed! I’m liking the scaffold pole as a breaker bar! It’s funny how a seemingly small job can quickly turn into a nightmare isn’t it
This was the only tool that shifted mine the first time around


When everything is dry and cleaned up, this can be used properly and you can get it super tight and off in no time. I was almost using this like a ratchet the first time lol, ridiculous what some people get up to!

Easiest and cleanest oil and filter change i've done is on the wife's Megane 175 dCi :up: Wish they were all like this !

Btw I was under the bonnet again earlier and noticed there is very little access to the oil filter from underneath so it doesn’t look possible. Looks like I’ll be removing it from the top again in the future, although no injectors will be harmed in the process nex time
This was the only tool that shifted mine the first time around


When everything is dry and cleaned up, this can be used properly and you can get it super tight and off in no time. I was almost using this like a ratchet the first time lol, ridiculous what some people get up to!

Easiest and cleanest oil and filter change i've done is on the wife's Megane 175 dCi :up: Wish they were all like this !

View attachment 1361468

Yeah that tool would’ve be better than the one I used. Perhaps just as much leverage as a flat bladed screwdriver jammed in the side though ;)

I’m envious of that Megane dci filter location :/


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I used the same tool above, didn't remove anything and the filter came off fine. Went on easy enough by hand.
I was doing a simple brake bleed and ended up with this


Lol, Not the whole truth but during a simple service I had the car on a ramp with a power brake bleeder in the frunk, realised I hadn’t cracked the rear wheel nuts off, lowered car to ground and the front lid slammed shut on top of the power bleeder putting a nice outward pimple in the bonnet. Dam and blast I said or words to that effect, then I opened the bonnet to find the the nipple at the top of the bleeder which remember was under pressure had snapped off spraying dot4 everywhere!!!
2hrs of cleaning later..... brakes bled.
To be fair it cleaned up ok with no paint damage and I lived with the dent for a year until this winter. I took it in to be repaired and by the time the painter had accessed the car only the roof didn’t need painted so full respray ensued.
The joys of motoring....

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ClioSport Club Member
This was the only tool that shifted mine the first time around


When everything is dry and cleaned up, this can be used properly and you can get it super tight and off in no time. I was almost using this like a ratchet the first time lol, ridiculous what some people get up to!

Easiest and cleanest oil and filter change i've done is on the wife's Megane 175 dCi :up: Wish they were all like this !

View attachment 1361468

The oil change on my 175 was exactly the same, went like a dream..

Great design on the engine from
R̶e̶n̶a̶u̶l̶t̶ Nissan
