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James' 182


ClioSport Club Member
As promised back in 2018, I'm back in the game.

Picked up this nicely modified 182 a couple of weeks ago, properly happy with it so far.

Quick spec as follows

Induction Kit
K Tec Exhaust
Pure Motorsport Strut Brace
Whiteline Anti-roll bar
BMS Shifter
Corbeau Clubsports
Turn 1 Wheel
Turinis with PS3s

The bodywork is by no means mint, fair few little dings & scrapes here and there, and the Turinis are in dire need of a full refurb. But I'm not really fussed, it drives and sounds fantastic which is all I'm after at the moment.

One of the first things I did was give the engine bay a good clean up.


Thankfully the car is pretty bloody solid. No signs of rust, or even surface rust/bubbling on the sills, inner rear arches or by the fuel cap. So I will certiainly be giving them a coat of Dynax or ACF50, any recommendations for the best product?


ClioSport Club Member
Took it for a quick spin through the peak district today. Absolutely stoked with it, I dare say it out-handles my old 172 Cup but this is spec'd considerably better so it's not that all suprising.

  Mazda Rx8
I miss her!! Engine bay looking great. What did you clean the inlet up with? Looks good as new.

Sent from my PCT-L29 using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
I miss her!! Engine bay looking great. What did you clean the inlet up with? Looks good as new.

Sent from my PCT-L29 using Tapatalk

Not surprised there! It's at home here with the country roads in the peak district.
Thanks, Whipped it off and repainted it mate, just using cheapo VHT paint. Happy with how it came out.


ClioSport Club Member
Small update incoming..

Picked up a Brand New Meguires Headlight Restoration Kit off trusty Fb Marketplace for no more than £5!
Pretty happy with the result for now! Not sure how long it'll last.



Classic French Stickers for the grill.

This view though 😍


...and the sunset behind isn't too bad either :sneaky:


ClioSport Club Member
Had some yellow calliper paint left over from the Cup. A pain of a job purely because it's kinda shite stuff which takes 2 months to dry and chips just by breathing on it. So had to redo them a couple of times. But happy with the result in the end.

Whilst the Turinis were off I had a crack at cleaning them up as much as possible. They were in poor shape to say the least, basically they were fucked, but some elbow grease and £3.99 metal polish later, it'll do the job until I get them stripped and powder coated, one day.


Picked up this absolute bargain brand new Sony BT stereo for £25.


ClioSport Club Member
Some further work to tidy up the engine bay...
Finally got around to painting the cam covers, went with black to contrast against the inlet manifold. I swear every fcking time I take off the inlet manifold & leads I manage to end up with a misfire when I put it back together again lmao. Was just a case of un-trapping them in this case.

Also picked up some heat-reflective gold tape.

Does it look kinda chavvy? Maybe.
Will it do f**k all to the performance? Probably.
Was it a waste of an hour of my life? Yes.


Anyhow, the whole engine bay clean-up has cost me a grand-total of £13, so I'm stoked with the transformation considering the state of it on my first post!


ClioSport Club Member
Treated the Clio to a proper service last weekend, thought I'd splash out on the good stuff. Millers Nandodrive CFS and Genuine Type D coolant.

Noticed a longgg time ago the rear spring rubber mounts were missing and was causing an awful creaking noise when going over speedbumps, so finally got around to fitting a brand new pair. Gave the rear ARB a quite coat of yellow whilst it was off to match the brakes. Classic half-a-job, as is everything when it comes to working on a daily in the rain when you've only got a finite amount of time before you need the car on the road again.

Now I've eliminated the creaking noise from the back, it really is remarkable how quiet and smooth this car is to drive, considering it's a lowered, stripped-out 15 year old French tin with a KTEC exhaust. But when you give it the beans, it absolutely rips. Love it!


ClioSport Club Member
Decent update incoming!

Splashed out and finally got my Turinis refurbished. The powdercoaters worked some serious magic to refinish them as they were so far gone in some places, but now they look absolutely brilliant, hard to believe they're the same wheels. I also realised I was a little down on power so I repainted the brakes red to gain an extra 5 bhp. They've come out really well and suit the darker wheels so i'm really happy with the outcome! Also fitted a set of brand new PS3s to finish them off, looks bang on.


Absolute shoutout to @Coops Mk1 who massively helped me out by lending me a set of wheels whilst I got my Turini's refurbished!! Absolute lad.

Also fitted a sunstrip a few weeks back with @dann2707. What a difference it actually makes, can't believe it's taken me so long to get one.

Roll on Summer!!


ClioSport Club Member
Took the Clio to Donnington last week for an evening session. Absolutely pissed it down pretty the much the second the track opened. Initially a little disheartening, being my first track day I wanted conditions to be perfect, however looking back it was definitely for the best. So much less wear on the car which at the end of the day is my daily commuter and not an out&out track car. Also I can't afford a new set of PS3s every 2 months either :ROFLMAO:

That being said, the little Clio was absolutely f**king faultless. Had such a great time in the wet and completely held its own. The only thing I'd change is to uprate the discs and pads from standard but everything else was bang on. Few photos attached, I was mugged off by the photographer who I imagine is bored of seeing endless Clios, only got 2 or 3 decent photos throughout the entire session when I must have done 20-30 laps.





Also can just about fit the bike in without removing both wheels which is a plus!

Quick Spec whilst I'm thinking about it.

RamAir Induction Kit
KTEC Decat with silencer
Michelin PS3 tyres
Brembo discs & pads with red Calipers for extra gains
Whiteline ARB
BMS Shifter
Cooksport Springs on Standard dampers.
PMS Stud Conversion Kit
Corbeau Clubsports
Turn1 Steering Wheel
Sony DSX Bluetooth Stereo & Rockford Fostgate Speakers


ClioSport Club Member
Been a while since i last updated this one.

Still have the 182 and still love it!

Not much has changed apart from having the all-important belts done at Diamond Motors last month along with an engine & gearbox oil change with Millers CFS & XF.

Purchased a pair of Yellow Dot Recaro CS's which required a little TLC.

I sent the bases off to be restitched at Capital Seating and had a friend wet-vacuum them. Came out spotless!

The custom frames they came with were a good design but poor execution, so had a MKII set made up at work.

Test Fit


I then went full-r****d mode and accidentally bought a £25 can of 2K matt-lacquer rather than the gloss stuff I've used before.
Still, happy with the outcome.


Such a massive upgrade over my Corbeau Clubsports!


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ClioSport Club Member
With my first trip to the Nurburgring approaching it was time to invest in some more track-focused 15" wheels,

The tread on my 16" PS3s are wearing low so it was a choice between investing £400+ into a new set of tyres, or find a set of lighter 15" wheels with good tyres and kill 2 birds with one stone.

So collected these OZ Ultraleggeras over the weekend!


Of course, there has to be something to spoil the moment...

MTEC don't want anything to do with it. With something like this I'd have thought they'd want to stand by the quality of their product and replace them, but I can't complain as they are pretty old and i'm not the original purchaser.

Luckily the OZs still just fit without them though.
Really pleased with them overall. Not sure if it's the slightly larger tyre-profile but I think the ride is noticeably smoother now. Looking forward to seeing how they perform on the b-roads soon.


ClioSport Club Member
In my pure rage after finding out the wheel spacer had failed I completely forgot to measure the thickness when hastily buying new ones.
So enter 20mm spacers, despite the old ones only being 16mm... :ROFLMAO: Zero interest in comparing offsets and widths of the Ultraleggeras and my Turinis but pretty sure these sit out a little wider than the Turinis did. Not that the wider track will really make any difference, but it does have quite an aggressive stance now!



I did end up going back with MTEC as I'm broke. Plus they'd been on the car for god-knows how long so can't overly complain... plus they look rather good in anodised black. Really pleased with the Ultraleggeras too!


