I actually kinda like it. SBMM has been an absolute b**ch (for me at least over the weekend) so most games are hard hard. 7 hours of play time, 18 wins and 30 losses

I need to get myself into those Booboo lobbies where he's able to rack up 40 kills per game

Dunno how us above average PC players (Liam, Kyle and Myself) keep finding ourselves in lobbies that feel like everyone is from the CDL. Our score per match aint any different to those that get the much easier lobbies.
TTK in hardcore is obscene. Way too fast to actually react and just full of lying doon corner watching little cretins.
Core's TTK is obviously slightly longer but definitely better. Hit reg/net code is definitely still an issue for sure (but which recent COD doesn't have this issue). We've all unloaded on someone looking the other way only for them to spin and delete you. I actually think this where the feeling of bullet sponging comes from.
I don't think the game looks particularly good. In addition, I think its very hard to see stationary players in a lot of the "background".