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What's your favourite car related YouTube channel?


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
Let’s get a Skoda Yeti, pull everything out of it really aggressively so it’s funny, then take it round Curborough and overly laugh at how much it’s rolling about…
This, so this! Let’s use a hammer and smash everything to bits. It was funny when Clarkson did it. I just find it annoying when Alex does it. If it is, as you’re suggesting. It’s hardly them bringing out anything new and refreshing. If so they’ve missed the point and the opportunity massively and will be the ultimately the beginning of the end. I predict:
1) Taylor goes it alone
2) Car throttle break away
3) Jack and Ethan break away
4) Rory and Alex complain about mental health or someother bull s**t YouTuber excuse


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
Jack and Ethan have a great little niche thing going which seem to be getting decent views. Quite how long they can carry on before they exhaust the novel ideas remains to be seen.
I assume Alex must kinda own the TDC and ATG brands and so can dictate what they do to an extent, hence he wants to jump on the ATG success to relaunch his channel.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Let’s get a Skoda Yeti, pull everything out of it really aggressively so it’s funny, then take it round Curborough and overly laugh at how much it’s rolling about…
f**k I forgot the most important bit

They say something like “we haven’t crashed here today but there is a really good way of finding whether a car has been crashed or not”

*Car Vertical advert*


ClioSport Club Member
f**k I forgot the most important bit

They say something like “we haven’t crashed here today but there is a really good way of finding whether a car has been crashed or not”

*Car Vertical advert*
"Damn I'm two tenths down on you two, if I only I could muster some energy from somewhere to properly focus, alongside some low calorie intake and great flavouring"

*Holy Advert*

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
the GT3RS 'rebuild' has been a journey, but the car he bought in the states ended up being a parts car for the German shell. For me he can't really call it the same car as the one that's been underwater . The back story is being used for views, but that's how YouTube works.

not sure on the colour choice either, hate to say it but it needs darker wheels. Having said that i didn't like his McLaren when he first did it but it's grown on me.

Did he buy the Senna that Tavarish did a video on?


ClioSport Club Member
I enjoyed it, good project and they got on with it and spent less time fannying around.
Very much a Car Throttle vid in AA guise.


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
It was alright, not sure reverting back to the old car throttle days is a good thing. That had gone stale long before it ended. It also really gets on my tits how they have to destroy stuff for the lols. Just take it apart properly! I have a feeling they’ve not really learnt anything and will run out of ideas to regurgitate fairly quickly! All while the TDC boys continue to knock it out of the park


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
It was alright, not sure reverting back to the old car throttle days is a good thing. That had gone stale long before it ended. It also really gets on my tits how they have to destroy stuff for the lols. Just take it apart properly! I have a feeling they’ve not really learnt anything and will run out of ideas to regurgitate fairly quickly! All while the TDC boys continue to knock it out of the park
Hit the nail on the head.

He’s definitely toned it down but again, it’s just the same old shite. Wreck a car to get nearly has fast as someone slow in a much faster car.

Can’t wait for the next video ‘£1000 car challenge’ 🙄


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah, that video was tedious. Would hardly have taken them any longer to take the bits off the car properly FFS and all the jumping around and yelling for something that was blindingly obvious…. Just why.

What Taylor brought to it for me was a bit of chemistry with Alex, they had me in stitches sometimes when they were cocking about at auctions or driving vans, it’s just really flat now.

The TDC guys aren’t doing anything new either, but they’re really watchable.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I know it's comparing apples with pears but I find it mental that Mat Armstrong is going round creating hour long videos, every week, rebuilding GT3's, SVR's RR's, Lambo's and people like AutoAlex are still doing the 'lEtS pUlL a CaR aPaRt aNd SeE hOw fAsT iT wIlL gO hUr Hur hUr'

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
I'm invested in the Revuelto already and it was only a 30min video taking bits off and figuring out how to start it

I like how his man maths work.

Used ones going for £500-600k and buys his for £230k, so he's saying he's essentially got £270-330k to spend fixing it.

Apart from the fact no one would buy it for those used prices because it's been smashed to f**k 😅

Must be making a killing from YT now to afford to do this.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
I know it's comparing apples with pears but I find it mental that Mat Armstrong is going round creating hour long videos, every week, rebuilding GT3's, SVR's RR's, Lambo's and people like AutoAlex are still doing the 'lEtS pUlL a CaR aPaRt aNd SeE hOw fAsT iT wIlL gO hUr Hur hUr'
Matt's master stroke was combining everything into his really long form videos.

They've done really well in the 'killing time' market, a bit like a documentary. In which case the algorithm keeps feeding them to people.

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Matt's master stroke was combining everything into his really long form videos.

They've done really well in the 'killing time' market, a bit like a documentary. In which case the algorithm keeps feeding them to people.

He also puts his videos in other languages to expand his reach, potentially doubling views with no extra effort required.


ClioSport Club Member
I really enjoy Matt A but just because I'm a grumpy old f**k now and for no reason what so ever I think his camera bloke is a bellend. Just grates on me.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I really enjoy Matt A but just because I'm a grumpy old f**k now and for no reason what so ever I think his camera bloke is a bellend. Just grates on me.
Nah, I get that. Don't really mind him but then he just says the most obvious things when he has zero mechanical knowledge.

His teeth that are too big for his gob bug me as well.

Fair play for being involved though. He must be living the dream. 25 with a Huracan, can't be bad.
Hopefully without a mic as well

Proper moron that has very little real automotive knowledge
Yeah I'm not a fan of him.
I remember they put out a video where they said he'd lost ninety grand on cars and acted like it was funny. He's on an automotive YouTube channel FFS!!
