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Burned on break dust!?

  Sunshine Bus ph-quick
Got tons of it stuck to my lovely white wheels so they now are an attractive shade of grey & black :/
I've not cleaned them in... umm.. months! lol.

Reckon a respray is gonna be on the cards but until I can be bothered with that, what can I use?
Clean wheels & a scrubber brush-y thing?
Something more heavy duty?

Sweeties for anyone who fancies doing them for me! :p
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  Sunshine Bus ph-quick
I've got the AG stuff, just wondered if anything out there was gonna shift it better.
I'm not up on products tbh.

Will have a fiddle tomorrow with the AG
  106 GTi
Off the shelf if the AG is not cutting it, Wonder Wheels is the next step up.

I am having the same trouble with the wheels on the GTi, getting some trade range Autoglym Wheel Cleaner to try.

I will do it for a bag of Cola Bottles ...
The best stuff ive found to use is the ixtar wheel cleaner from renault, its evil stuff. Bout £20 for 5 litres iirc.
i use it at 5:1 which is ok....tbh youll still get decent cleaning at 9/10:1
depends on the finish of your wheels, if they have a nice coat of laquer then theyll be fine
  Sunshine Bus ph-quick
oooh, coke! good idea!

Cola bottles you say,.. do they gotta be Hairbo? :p

Don't have to be ... prefer the ones without sugar on them, but don't want to sound fussy ;)

Fizzy ones suck & Haribo is where its at!

Gonna have a crack at them later with AG I think, if I get time!
Its far too hot to currently be thinking beyond a cold shower!
