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Blo0dDiamond: The TeamAriane Clio Project. str0ng.

  Evo 8 MR
Good progress, only thing I don't understand is howcome you take it to Fred for every little job?

Don't you two live in Manchester?
you obviously dont read reviews on here?!

guys worth every penny. best at the game bar none, i enjoy watching someone as passionate about cars work their magic...
  Evo 8 MR
you obviously dont read reviews on here?!

guys worth every penny. best at the game bar none, i enjoy watching someone as passionate about cars work their magic...

I've heard lots of good things about his work but it baffles me why you would travel so far for simple tasks to be carried out that's all.
  DCi 100
He is also friends with Fred so it's usually abit more than going down fixing the car then forking off home ;)

Cool pics
  Lionel Richie
what can i say? best hand jobs in the business ;)

Naith pays full whack BTW, i dont do mates rates even my mum pays full whack, yes i am a b*****d
the friendship/gay love has come from him working on the car, i dont get freebies unfortunately...

anyhoo, ran out of fuel last night as the fuel gauge is playing up, cool times.

going on along with the braided lines this week :D
took a trip to Birmingham yesterday to havve the yozza fitted.

we opted for a decatted 172 race Potato system with a few tweeks and set about fitting it....


the bolts on the cat had rusted and rounded so it took about an hour to get that off alone never mind the rest. it was basically fred, sam and my usual work horse mat-nos ;) trying to fight against 11 years of a car being ragged and rust....


easy access...


excuse the pics, i didnt have a camera just the BB...





I'll do a review with videos of the y0zza system this week but as it stands heres the facts...

its louder than OEM, it will pass a decibel test as i tested it. It idles like OEM, until you build up back pressure its not crazy loud, when you gun it its LOUD, it pops and bangs on a standard map, the welding is beautiful (i mean that)... riad LOVES it and it doesnt rattle nor does it boom, 75/80 the frequency vibrates a little.. like i care though :D

Huge thanks to the lads for yesterday, dont think freds ever seen so many people in his unit at once, it was like a Brummy version of fast and the furious... only with maccys. Truffs didnt help, apart from sitting about shouting CHAMPAGNE but i suppose i best mention him for subway run oh and Maynard for well ermmm making sure GSF get parts delivered on time!


13 hour day lads, totally worth it :D

Picked up some DOT 5.1 too from BTM and that will be used tomorrow to bleed into the system after the braided lines go on and the backbox has about 4 hours of autosol work on it, the other bottle will be used on the Meg to get her roadworthy.


good times.



(172 phase 2 bumper is back next week...)

chicken shazlick.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Love the grinding photo with the spark about to enter Freds ear.

Exhaust looks tidy :)
  Lotus Elise
Good write up Naith, it was the busiest day at work Ive ever seen but it was a great day. Truffs demanding champagne and mat-nos turning up because he was bored and than got stuck with no regard for health and safety or work wear. Epic and the banter was flowing nicely.

The car is starting to look pretty good now a lot better than it was 6 months ago, truly was a bargain that thing and you give it so much stick. Loving the dash btw.

Chicken shazlick PMSL
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chicken shazlick , just spat my drink out.

i must say a massive thanks to Fred, Sam and Mat Nos too top work guys and a good day and night
stick?!!? I'm a gent. haha, nah you know me time and a place, i just wish the suspension was decent, its terrible. Apex springs are truly one of the biggest mistakes to be allowed in the RS range, they are dangerous.

all in good time. epic banter guys.. cheers for the postives matt. there was health and safety! they all had new invisible protective wear on, cough.

love how matts arms are bigger than the car/railway boy.

its honestly the crappest/best car ever, i adore it, arsed if thats abit OTT. just gotta watch r kid in it, ekk.
You spent an hour f**king about with rusty bolts then take an angle grinding picture? 5 minutes pissing about, 30 seconds with grinder. Done.

not quite, the bolts holding the cat are inaccessible, the angle grinder was to shorten the new bolts
designed to fcuk up so you spend s**t loads fixing them, trust me gaz if freds taking his time you know its a fcuker!

new gaskets fitted too amongst other things.
  Black Clio GT
flol, awesome afternoon/night, office is coming along nicely now too :)

"good afternoonings BTMings i can upgradings your carings for good pricings"
me ant mat-nos decided to do the braided lines yesterday, as per it resulted in blood and things breaking. :(

the wind was rediculous so we didnt bother fitting the rears, can do this later this week. fronts were shot though so its nice to replace with a higher spec part.

i didnt even get any decent pics, however the mocal lines are great, I didnt notice much better response when i fitted the HEL lines to my meg but the Mocal lines are proper stuff! double tap the brakes and the car stops on the spot.

now the downside, the previous owner has rounded off the driverside caliper bleed nipple, which led to mostly this...


we eventually got it off but upon putting it back on post bleed the nipple snapped, luckily just inside the hole so it is sealed but when another fluid flush is needed a new caliper will need to be fitted. no biggy as i know a few about and someone is always breaking a 172!



pointless poo monday update.
