My copy and paste failed
Ill post what i sent to a mate earlier:
MW3 maps are not very open spaced, There is lots of camping places but it seem to play really well, ACR is the best assault rifle so far, Im yet to unlock the ak47, Best sniper has to be the as50, Pretty much impossible to get a hitmarker and it has a fast fire rate!, Started to enjoy the game now, There is that many different attachments, perks, killstreak options it unbelievable, i think it will take week to work out exactly what does what, Killstreaks are not too overpowered like mw2 which is good, I am yet to even try out theatre mode but im sure it will be as good as black ops if not better, IMO its the most balanced cod so far, The fact that there is s**t loads of people running around with snipers is annoying but i do it so i cant complain

, Overkill is back (i think it was in cod5 last) so you can carry 2 primary weapons, The levelling up process so far is not bad, Im currently level 60, Its taking a while to go up the ranks now, Its a very fast paced game, I found black ops to be slow paced and i think that lead to its downfall.
1 last thing to add, I purchased a copy for xbox as no ps3 were available, I think im sticking on xbox now as the general connection in games is much better than ps3.
Feel free to add me -DMG Cotball