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  182 Trophy
Had a meeting with a 90mm deep one this evening.

This was the result

Are f1s particularly weak? Time to look for some stronger wheels I think :/
  182 Trophy
I got pictures of the pothole in the dark, I'm going to head back there today with a tape measure and a better camera to document it better.

I don't hold high hopes though. The council were reasonably good with claims, however the roads have since been taken over by a private company under a PFI scheme.
  182 Trophy
Irrelevant anyway. Our roads are now maintained out of PFI and thus council, EU and private funding - not VED ;)
  S4 Avant
This :). And ask them what your paying your road tax for whilst your at it :D

Road tax doesn't repair your local roads. Each county's roads are paid for by council tax.

Your road tax has probably helped maintain the London Underground, or paid for a library somewhere.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Remember to put a straight bar across the poyhole do you get a decent measure on the tape
  Impreza RB5 #054
As above, get onto your local council, we had a guy reverse into a spring loaded bar which is there to stop you hitting the wall of the multi story car park.

He wrote a short letter saying its not highly visable and he had hit it and marked his bumper, ended up having a 1k + for a new coat of paint on his bumper.
  RB182cup&golf gti
Whacked one today at speed, knocked the cd off. Reminded me of having the portable cd in the car 15 yrs ago with its 2 second shock protection. Roads are a joke at the moment


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
If it makes you feel any better I don't think I've seen a pothole here in germany
If it makes you feel any better I don't think I've seen a pothole here in germany

Germans don't do potholes. As soon as a main road has a hairline crack in it, they dig the whole thing up and start again. The roads round here are like mirrors 247365.
  182 Trophy
I only paid £100 for my F1s. These were £310 wrapped in a set of nearly new T1Rs.

Not my first or even fifth choice of tyre but I've fixed the lack of wheels and the need of new tyres for the same money as I was just about to spunk on some AD08s, so I'm happy.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Instead of starting a new thread I thought I'd bump this one...

I've done the same thing... I've already taken pictures of the pothole and got a replacement wheel from Adam and kept the receipt. Just need to email my local council and see what they say.

Any tips or advice? Anyone claimed before?


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Steve, unsure how It works down by, but in Scotland - they will simply not entertain you if it (pothole) hasn't been reported by other road users... Might be worth getting a mate to phone up a few times first then phone yourself like tomorrow/next day. Gives them little leverage to not pay out!
  182 ff
i drove on the m 62 junction 7 to 9 .the other day. never seen a motorway or any road so bad.. pot holes where over 6 foot long..over 6 inch wide.,when changing lanes, or just holes in the carriage way, was weaving in and out to avoid them.. hard on a motorway to avoid them all,i hit a few. glad to get off the motorway ..
i reported them to the motorway agency , they replied straight away.. hopefully they will fill them in.. god help the bikers hittin the 6 foot ones..
  Mazda3 2.2D 185BHP
I went over one the other week. Ever since the car does not feel right.

Wheels are fine, So I'm replacing lots of bits to try and fix the problem. i have a picture of the pot hole so may send a large claim into the council

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
I've sent my email so we'll see what they say...
Check out this mother f*cker!

  Clio 172 Flamer
I tried claiming back from council once! I hit one very similar to that and it destroyed my wheel. They said they will give me a response within 90 days... I am still waiting and that was about 3 years ago ;)
