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Grand Theft Auto V

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
With Trevor, I turned and looked at some policeman and said "How did you get in the Police force, you look like you belong in a mental home" LOL.

The policeman just shot me after I said that. :eek:

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
I just purchased The Hen House nightclub, and I can't even go in it :S Bit disappointed in that.
  VW ID.3

A bit off topic but he used to come into the garage I used to work at and collect old pallets, then a week later drop a load of sawdust off. he was always weird.
  Suzuki Ignis Sport
Just got a brand new ps3 and gta5. Is it normal to keep reading the disc? It's really loud. Just wondering if everyone elses is doing this or if its just mine? Performance is a little laggy at times too!

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Chop has learned all of his tricks on ifruit app now. Wouldn't mind the gold collar though
  S4 Avant
So gta has sharks.

this has turned diving from an entertaining novelty into the scariest s**t ever. Constantly watching the radar for red dots!
  Suzuki Ignis Sport
I have a 46 inch tv.. got a HDMI cable. How do I get GTA5 to look/run like an actual game? Looks terrible and isnt running smooth at all! :(


ClioSport Club Member
  Defender 110
Mate before I even was half way through I had people blabbing allover the internet about the endings, I think I did alright with what I typed.

That's not our fault, surely you know how annoying it is then and should know!
  Suzuki Ignis Sport
I have a 46 inch tv.. got a HDMI cable. How do I get GTA5 to look/run like an actual game? Looks terrible and isnt running smooth at all! :(

LED or Plasma?

The latter is always better for gaming, but some LEDs do have gaming modes too which might help.

Its LED mate. Pretty much impossible to drive its that laggy! Games running 720p but looks and runs crap.. tried reinstalling too. Its all jerky and unsmooth, plus looks real bad.


  BMW 440i
Just came across a look a like Bugatti after completing the FIB heist on a security truck and evading police and meeting someone after in the hills.

Couldn't steal it or shoot it into flames, quick sticky blew the fucker up though!


ClioSport Club Member
Just came across a look a like Bugatti after completing the FIB heist on a security truck and evading police and meeting someone after in the hills.

Couldn't steal it or shoot it into flames, quick sticky blew the fucker up though!

I did this, couldn't steal it so I thought f**k it I'd I can't have it neither can you and blew it up ....strangely enough it turned up a couple of missions later -.-
I had a macca and a koenigsegg in trevors garage. Attempted to take the macca up chilliad failed and died. Went to get the koenigsegg and it had gone!

Common problem apparently :( if you buy the car garage upgrades are free - if that's any bonus? Now I need to find an easy way to make some quick money to buy it before my cars disappear!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I bet it's all on the car dealer wanting commission lol. Just realised from the picture on that page. Ive not seen a banshee yet

Isn't that the Viper that's in Michael's car from the start?
  172 Cup
So completed the game, watch some of the credits, went back in to play and when trying to access to the internet on the phone the game freaks out and i lose my mini map and all phone functions!

Resolution: delete my 'save' and start the game again trying different things along the way including the tip of waiting to do the assasination missions


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I asked on here the differences between the above two hdmi cables, apart from cost there's no difference.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
I love running across the highway on this game. In gta 4 it wasn't an issue, in this it's like playing frogger! Got hit by a massive lorry and s**t myself.
Does anyone else get pissed off with the vehicle physics sometimes?
You can be in a massive truck and hit a tiny car but it stops you dead.
And then you can't push it out the way either.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
I love how Rockstar have concentrated on making the game varied and spontaneous. There's a definite lack of repetition compared to previous games.

Did you not feel the Heists were all pretty much identical,, bar the environment? Dont get me wrong, its far from repetitive ( Cant fathom how people are still playing COD), but it perhaps could have been different in terms of the 3 heists


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Still getting annoyed at how strong the cars are. I must have hit a truck at about 150mph head on and the car was fine and I was alive.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Ive bought Michael a Veyron, got delivered to his Garage I bought sorted.

I took it out, got side tracked, lost it.

I go back to my garage and its not there? 1m wasted?
