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Me & Eww the 172


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Now I’m a fully paid up member I thought I best introduce myself and the 172 sport YN02EWW!

So popping on Clio sport at 2am last week I spotted the Clio sport festival, dived straight in and booked myself up…… only problem is the Clio is in bits 😂. Now the race is on, will we see Wales? Time will tell.

Back during covid boredom set in and I decided after ten years away it’s time to get doing some tracks days again. The hunt was on for a 197 to replace the hole selling my old one left. So many dogs were about and after a deal for a f1 fell through I gave up for a bit! Watching every Clio in the country for sale, picking one travelling down to England from Scotland to come back empty handed burst me. Till finally a 172 came up for sale in Scotland, 84k on the clock

Off we went with some cash.The owner was spot on, lovely falla. His finance owned the car and he worked for Renault. She bought a new car and he kept it with the intention of doing some track days! Flying off to vagas to get married on the Monday a deal was done and we’re heading home with the Clio! Knockhill was booked.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
So here are some of the pictures I was sent before going to look at the the car


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ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Before heading the Clio was treated to an oil change, 4 AD08RS tyres, HC brembo discs and CL6 pads. The track day couldn’t have been any wetter. But so much fun was had.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
I was sure I could hear the wheel bearings on the way home so 2 Renault front ones were ordered. When I went to fit the drives cv was split and the battery gearbox mount was broken in two, got these from Renomotive. Also decided to fit a full engine mount set from ktec, who sent the wrong parts and after a few heated discussions on the phone resulted in me missing my next track day.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
I had read some good and bad press regarding the mounts, but what a difference they made. Is there more vibration? For me a tiny amount. I can live with this, what I couldn’t live with was the fr4 trying to depart the bay when lifting off 😂😂


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
6th of March 22 and we were at knockhill again. A dry sunny spring morning. In Scotland miracle weather that! The car was so much fun, but in the dry I knew suspension changes were needed, probably all the bushes were done, you could just feel the whole car a little tired in the dry where in the wet it felt fine. Being too keen for a few more laps before heading I never done a cool down lap and when I went to drive home the brake pedal hit the floor 😂, it came back after 30 mins of handbrake driving home. But that’s when the trouble started ……….


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
So when the brakes did return, if I barked the car wanted to mount the hard shoulder and the steering wheel would pull the other way (wtf) and the reverse when accelerating 🙄.The car was nursed home, pulled all the front end apart and put back together. All was well. The Clio was on daily duty’s for a while so the pads and discs were removed and onto the 15s she went.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Slowly but surely the steering issues returned, it turned out to be the holes in the bottom arm had elongated, new arms and some bushes ordered. I had always knew the sill at the jacking points needed looked at, most do. I was also scared to look behind the rear 1/4 cards 😂😂. That’s where my mini resto really started. How it started ………


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
so with the 1/4 panel off everything looked very clean tiny, back seats came out and the car went on axel stands


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
The plan was pop the beam out, refurbish and refit! At the same time treat any rust and give everything a check out.

A snow foam to get 20 years of road grim off to see what I was dealing with

Beam out and stripped ready for some much needed love


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Next up off with the skirts, plenty of surface rust especially at the front of the skirts. Nothing that alarming. Followed by the wings in the hint for rust …… so far all well 😂😂😂😂 tbc

Passengers side crusty but solid

Drivers side looked solid or so I thought

And just look at the wet trapped mud behind the skirt


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
After going this far the decision was made to go all in. I do love the car, I want it to last. So tank out, subframe out followed by the engine and gearbox. Then this happened



So on the jig she went. Am I mad? Yes, will I make the show, in all honesty no not now but there is hope for 2024 😂😂


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
So in the house there is a room full of new/refurbished parts to build my little clio in to a very tidy usable fast road/track car. Needs to be comfy for ring trips and also a decent spec as I fancy a season trying super lap Scotland at knockhill. Everything was going so well ………


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
So no longer was it on the jig before it was off. The pin popped out the car spun round and smashed the rear 1/4 off the wheels. Nightmare but probably saved her from smashing into the drive

Raging as the bodywork was clean, but she’ll she track use, these things happen


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
After a busy few months my attention has turned back to the Clio. The rear beam was blasted and primed by someone local.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Found some time between nightshifts to finish off the rear caliper/abs mounts. Had to cut these off the axle as the nuts had rotted away. Out came the abs sensors with the help of a drill and hammer. Which left me with this


Got to work with the air compressor and needle scaler to get the worst of it off. I’m so lucky next door are sound!

With the surface rust off they went in a bath of bilt hamber deox-c along with the other bits and bobs. Honestly a fantastic product, highly recommended. You can see how well it’s came up.

Here’s the other parts after being the same treatment

Up next everything was gave two coats of hydrate-80.

Left to dry then 3 coats of primer.

Finally paint. Happy with the results, not after a mint show car just a usable clean fast/road track toy.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Got the stub axels and rear beam brackets painted. Rear beams now ready to build back up now.


The plan for new year is to get the my Rs turbo moved to a friends unit for storage to free up the garage. Clio shell moved from the drive into the garage for welding and paint. Then we can start bolting the boxes of bit back together. New job in the new year too which should free more time on the Clio.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Invested in some gas to encourage more time in the garage. £56 pound a bottle but makes so much difference.

Then set about the front subframe. Started off by removing all old m6 rivnuts. The bolts were snapped in most while stripping it down. Cut then off, buffed them flush, then knocked them out with a punch.

Next up had to do the same with one of the anti roll bar threads as it also snapped on strip down. I’m glad I’m going this far, seized bolts on a track car is never going to work. Needs to be easy to work on and it’s a 20 year old Renault so fresh everything is the only way. MADNESS

Gave it a sand with 120 to smooth the primmer a bit and key it up, panel wipe and then paint. Need to flip it to paint the other side but it’s drying in the heat as we speak. Better finish with extra prep from the rear beam. Still too heavy with the paint in places!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Started a new job in the new year, settled in so back to the Clio. Started to build up the rear beam on Sunday . Fitted the pms spacers and tightened everything up as per the pms fitting guide.


Up next in went the powerflex bushes, they were a tight squeeze but found a couple of sockets and pulled the insert in with a 10mm threaded bar before popping the purple bushes in. Wasn’t sure to go for black or purple but still want to enjoy the Clio on the road so went for the purple.


Next I fitted some 63mm pms studs to the new Renault discs but waiting on new nuts before tightening them up.


Coming along nicely. Glad I spent the time painting the beam rather than just bolting new parts to 20 year old rusty beam.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Couldn’t resist bolting the rear calipers up, bolts need cleaned up and waiting on the pad fitting kit. But look at the job m.s custom eng have done! Can’t recommend highly enough!


Finished in flame red. I have pbs pads to pop in, new brake lines to go on and need to source abs sensors so finish the job of properly.


I Park Like a C**t
ClioSport Club Member


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Clearly lost the plot tonight. Couple hours on the bolts with a tooth brush and degreaser.



Deox-C in the post, soak then coat. The price for new Renault ones are crazy but I’ll replace the nylock nuts.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Took the brass wire wheel and the drill to the bolts and cleaned as much of the rust as I could. Some came up well and some were pitted badly.


Then using a thread file I cleaned the threads getting the copper grease out and making sure they were decent.


The front anti roll bar brackets got the same treatment.


Then all went for a 48hr soak in deox-c. Leaving me with clean useable parts that I can actually get a socket on without hammering it on!


I then heated the the bolts up and dipped them in new oil I had laying about, the results aren’t as good as hoped but it’s miles better than old rusted bolts. Don’t think I had enough heat in them. But if I put it on its roof at knockhill it will hardly matter!


My Dad was given a lift of nuts to source and will drop them off tomorrow. Also got him to get bolts and nuts for the rear beam and subframe.

Raer stub nuts are here so flung them on, will need fully tightened once (if ever) the cars on the ground. Bolted the rear beam mounts on with new Renault nuts and bolts.

Cleaned the rear beam clips up. Will add some tiger seal as the threads and clips are worn to ensure they stay put.


Just need to fling the pads in, run the new brake lines and get abs sensors to finish the rear beam done ready.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
So the rear beam pretty much there. Fitted the clips with some tiger seal. Probably should have ran the brake lines and fitted p clips instead, just for a better fitment.


Then got the rear pbs pro track pads fitted along with a new grams spring kit.


I did toy with the idea of ditching the abs but all it takes is one lock up and the cars wrecked! So went for proline braided hoses in red. I’ll probably get small ties secure these into the clips so ensure no rubbing.


Always knew the abs sensors were going to be a mare to get but tms (local car parts supplier) tried and were very close! Length, grommet location and plugs correct just the cable was on the wrong side of the sensor so wouldn’t fit!


I’ve 2 new handbrake cables to go on but still need 2 dust covers for the stub nuts and the correct abs sensors before it’s complete! Some time, money and effort just on the beam but it does look better than before……..



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
1st step on the sub frame was replacing the damaged rivnuts that I had removed before painting. If you haven’t got a rivnuts tool it’s a fanatic investment

Out came the rust buster em 121 in bright red, I’ve covered everything in the garage with over spray and I mean everything! The engine and box are a shade of pink now. Various brackets and the anti roll bar got 3 coats. I’m happy with the finish, with more care and time it could be better but it’s a track car at the end of the day.


With everything painted and repaired it was time to bolt new parts to it. Firstly the new bottom arms, the whole reason this started after the elongated ball joint hole caused me such a headache. New Genuine Renault ph1 bottom arms from pure motorsport with the stainless plate fitted for correct camber that I bought ages ago before I started this thread. When the Renault bushes are done I’ll upgrade but for now they will tighten the front end up.


Yes I could have bought some cheap arms and pollybushed them but I do like good quality parts where needed. I also had bought Powerflex black series arb inner and outer bushes…… probably should have went purple as these are tight to fit, but in they go. It has to be better than what fell out!


Bolted all together with the bolts I saved with new nuts and it’s looking pretty good if I do say so.


Next up is the steering rack……… I’ve new genuine Renault tie and track rod ends there to be fitted to my old scabby rack. But it’ll leak, boil and cause trouble. So do I just epas it and be done? I know where there is a car and I can get it all for free!

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
1st step on the sub frame was replacing the damaged rivnuts that I had removed before painting. If you haven’t got a rivnuts tool it’s a fanatic investment View attachment 1685726View attachment 1685727

Out came the rust buster em 121 in bright red, I’ve covered everything in the garage with over spray and I mean everything! The engine and box are a shade of pink now. Various brackets and the anti roll bar got 3 coats. I’m happy with the finish, with more care and time it could be better but it’s a track car at the end of the day.

View attachment 1685728

With everything painted and repaired it was time to bolt new parts to it. Firstly the new bottom arms, the whole reason this started after the elongated ball joint hole caused me such a headache. New Genuine Renault ph1 bottom arms from pure motorsport with the stainless plate fitted for correct camber that I bought ages ago before I started this thread. When the Renault bushes are done I’ll upgrade but for now they will tighten the front end up.

View attachment 1685730View attachment 1685731

Yes I could have bought some cheap arms and pollybushed them but I do like good quality parts where needed. I also had bought Powerflex black series arb inner and outer bushes…… probably should have went purple as these are tight to fit, but in they go. It has to be better than what fell out!

View attachment 1685738

Bolted all together with the bolts I saved with new nuts and it’s looking pretty good if I do say so.

View attachment 1685740View attachment 1685741View attachment 1685742

Next up is the steering rack……… I’ve new genuine Renault tie and track rod ends there to be fitted to my old scabby rack. But it’ll leak, boil and cause trouble. So do I just epas it and be done? I know where there is a car and I can get it all for free!
I'd go EPAS while you have it all stripped back.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Update time, nothing exciting unfortunately progress wise. Left my work after 21 years where I served my apprenticeship so been focusing on getting settled in to my new job.

The shell still needs work, stripping, welding and paint. Progress on the drive in Scottish weather isn’t happening so decided to put the rs turbo into storage and get the Clio inside.

Had to dig it out of the garage 1st, then we trailered her off. Had to take the comps of and fling the standard wheels on for fear of damaging them. Had all 3 of the cars in the sun. A collection of red RSs!




ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Well red…….. Ruby the Megane has went pink after a poor paint job after the ex ditched her in back ice.

Decided to go epas, I knew where there was a dci waiting for scap so got everything free. Defo worth it when it’s went this far and getting all the old pipes out of the bay will be a bonus.



Stripped the motor off and made it easy to fit as per the guide on here! Love the Clio sport so many time saving guides!



Fitted the epas ecu too so just need the kit from eBay, will order this when I’m moving the battery and do the wiring in one go.

