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CSF24 ClioSport Festival 2024 - Book Tickets Now!


South Central-Oxfordshire
ClioSport Area Rep
Me and the chickens are fed and watered.
Now time to piss off the neighbours by firing up the pressure washer at 8am to clean the car, and then pack and furnish the Smax's bedroom.



ClioSport Club Member
As its my first track day in a while, do i need to bring anything apart from the sign on form & license? I did try and look at the terms and conditions in the email @Nik sent, but the link is broken.


ClioSport Club Member
As its my first track day in a while, do i need to bring anything apart from the sign on form & license? I did try and look at the terms and conditions in the email @Nik sent, but the link is broken.
They've started doing this thing where you have to bring a picture of your widgy on a Polaroid picture and stick it to the notice board on the left when you walk into the main office

I don't make the rules 🤷🏻‍♂️


ClioSport Club Member
They've started doing this thing where you have to bring a picture of your widgy on a Polaroid picture and stick it to the notice board on the left when you walk into the main office

I don't make the rules 🤷🏻‍♂️

Expected CS response tbf 😂


ClioSport Club Member
I've never watched you fly by me on track and thought 'Brigsy is slow' 😂

However one time I did think, wow that was quick and I went to tell you and found it was your Mrs driving 😂👌
Just luring everybody into a false sense of security ;) fresh rubber, good brakes for the first time ever so should be good to make a bit of progress aslong as nothing falls off/breaks/does french s**t and fails to commence

Mrs not driving this time, she doesnt hang about :LOL:
