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The Cars Spotted Appreciation Thread

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
I was over that way today! Where abouts in Springburn??
In this car park


I baby reindeered it and checked the street view from 6 months ago and it’s parked in a different spot so maybe not as abandoned as I thought 😂 it looked covered in moss though so it’s definitely been sat for a while


ClioSport Club Member
No photos cause I'm rubbish and was driving but spotted a 22B on the back of a beavertail heading North on the A9 yesterday

No idea if it was a legit one or not but looked to be and looks immaculate


ClioSport Club Member
  VRS 245

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
Not my own photos but saw this before. Pretty fecking cool.

The showroom is about 400m from our front door. Always hear the cars going for test drives 😂

A useable supercar. Nice 👌.


ClioSport Club Member
Went to the Moulsdale place yesterday.

Can't say I'd recommend it for the cost but they must make a killing with the numbers that go each time,

Lots of meh and only a handful of actual cool/interesting stuff IMO. Plus he's got a weird hard on for Ducati and several of the same things. Better watching Johnny Smiths video.






Lot of the newer modern stuff is super low/delievery miles and will probably never be used. AFAIK the 2RS came straight from Porsche
