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Flashing red light, solid red light, wont crank over...

  Clio 182
What a mixed barrel of shite this really is!

Intermittently I'd get a flashing red light on the dash and car wouldn't start...key in and out solved this and away I went. The last 3 days the car has been an utter pig to start, to the point where it wont crank at all now.

I'll get a flashing red light and it'll do sod all. I get a solid red light and yesterday it would try and crank and would eventually start. Now sometimes it flashes, sometimes it's solid but now it wont even try and turn over.

Battery is a genuine renault one and has a green light so can only assume it's allright. I've ordered a new decoder ring in hope it's a simple in and out fix.

Now I've been reading about broken wires between the ECU and the UCH :S but that only seems like if you get a solid red light every time?

Any other suggestions or am I on the right track with a new decoder ring?
  Clio 182
I've tried my spare key and still the same. New decoder ring should be here tomorrow, after I've worked out how to remove the stereo controls I'll remove the cowling and fit that.

How do you reset the immobiliser?
  rcz 200gt
Way i did mine was turn ign on to pos three ( dash lights on ) for one min then back off for 30 secs back on for 30 secs then back off for 30 secs cured mine straight away had no probs since
  Clio 182
Fitted another decoder ring, still the same. Will try the on off on off on on off keys routine and see if that does the trick!


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
It's rare the decoder rings turn out to be the actual fault - I think I've changed one in 10 years.

Normally, in my experience, these faults turn out to be either key or UCH related... But I hope the new ring fixes it.

  Clio 182
New ring done the grand sum of sod all. Fired up first time today, then that was it...dead again. Now at an auto-electrician (not Reanult!) and the first thing he said was "seems like a break down between ECU and UCH" so hopefully they're worth their salt and it wont cost me the world.


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Seen this one many times before mate. If there's 5v at the ring, a good earth and the transponder line is continuous it will 100% be a new UCH.

Not done too many this year, it seems to be all throttle issue at the minute.

Anyway, fingers crossed its a feed/connection fault but if not bad luck... Nasty bill looming.

  Clio 172 cup
I had a similar problem and it was a break in the canbus wiring between the ecu and the big white multiplug

If i was you, i would remove the armoured sheathing off all the wiring and see if you can see any broken wires. Its piss easy to do but very time consuming, pointless paying a lecky top dollar to do a simple job


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
How many hundreds you talking when you say "nasty bill" :S

IF it does need a UCH then you're looking at around £500 as they're coded to the car and not just anyone can do it.

We do them for £390 and if we need the vehicles access code it's an extra £20.

As for broken wiring this is where CLIP comes in to it's own as it runs a basic infrastructure test and an tell you if there's a CAN fault due to an open circuit. The fact it ran for a split second though kinda rules out a broken CAN H or CAN L though and I still think it'll end up needing a new UCH (going off experience)



ClioSport Club Member
  Mt10 Zx6r golf tdi
Any joys yet?

Mine has a similar fault, red light flashes, key in second position solid red light, sometimes it will turn over for a few seconds other times it won't do a thing. tried all the mentioned above and also holding the right stalk in on start up as suggested by btm but still no luck!

Need to get it sorted asap as i've got a track day coming up in two weeks!


ClioSport Trader
  Clio16v/Zoe Z.E.50
Yours sounds a bit different GMan but really you need to get it plugged in first and go from there as there's a few things that can cause the solid red light.



ClioSport Club Member
  Mt10 Zx6r golf tdi
Mick, just see you are from diamond motors, found you through google and sent you a message through your site too!

You say it could be a few things, could you point me in a few directions, as i say i have a TD booked soon and really don't have much time before hand to look at the car/trailer it to someone who has use of clip.

Got a reasonably fee day tomorrow so would really like to start ruling things out.

Not sure if this is related and it may have done it all the time, but i'm sure the throttle body is buzzing more than it use to when the ignition is in position 2.

Cheers for any help.
  Clio 172
I had this as I said, sometimes it would not crank at all and other times it would turn over 4 times and nothing,
If you can get it so it cranks over and shuts off then Try the 30 second on 1 click then 30 seconds on 2nd click then off then start. The 30 second thing only worked for me When it would crank over and not start. But if I tried it when it wouldn't crank I had nothing.
  Kangoo, XJ, Jeep GC
I’ve just had similar issues with mine, (2005 Kangoo DCI 68 van).

It’s had starting issues since I bought it nearly a year ago, but unlocking with one key and starting with the other one usually solved the issue. Occasionally I’d have to re-lock / re-immobilise a couple of times to get it started.

Today I parked up on a steep slope facing forwards / downhill and when I came to restart I had a solid red light, (it’s never done that before).

Tried the locking / immobilising a few times, but still wouldn’t start , (but did crank). I tried the immobiliser re-set and it started first time.

For immobiliser re-set I did;
Ignition stage two for 60 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Ignition stage two for 30 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Key removed, counted to five, then started first time.

Hope this helps someone ?
  Clio 182 FF
I’ve just had similar issues with mine, (2005 Kangoo DCI 68 van).

It’s had starting issues since I bought it nearly a year ago, but unlocking with one key and starting with the other one usually solved the issue. Occasionally I’d have to re-lock / re-immobilise a couple of times to get it started.

Today I parked up on a steep slope facing forwards / downhill and when I came to restart I had a solid red light, (it’s never done that before).

Tried the locking / immobilising a few times, but still wouldn’t start , (but did crank). I tried the immobiliser re-set and it started first time.

For immobiliser re-set I did;
Ignition stage two for 60 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Ignition stage two for 30 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Key removed, counted to five, then started first time.

Hope this helps someone ?
you literally just saved me from being stuck an hour and a half from home, I love you


  2002 1.4 16V
I only needed these steps:

Ignition stage two for 60 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Ignition stage two for 30 seconds
  Clio Sport 182 Sport
I’ve just had similar issues with mine, (2005 Kangoo DCI 68 van).

It’s had starting issues since I bought it nearly a year ago, but unlocking with one key and starting with the other one usually solved the issue. Occasionally I’d have to re-lock / re-immobilise a couple of times to get it started.

Today I parked up on a steep slope facing forwards / downhill and when I came to restart I had a solid red light, (it’s never done that before).

Tried the locking / immobilising a few times, but still wouldn’t start , (but did crank). I tried the immobiliser re-set and it started first time.

For immobiliser re-set I did;
Ignition stage two for 60 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Ignition stage two for 30 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Key removed, counted to five, then started first time.

Hope this helps someone ?
You beauty 😊
  Clio 1.2
I’ve just had similar issues with mine, (2005 Kangoo DCI 68 van).

It’s had starting issues since I bought it nearly a year ago, but unlocking with one key and starting with the other one usually solved the issue. Occasionally I’d have to re-lock / re-immobilise a couple of times to get it started.

Today I parked up on a steep slope facing forwards / downhill and when I came to restart I had a solid red light, (it’s never done that before).

Tried the locking / immobilising a few times, but still wouldn’t start , (but did crank). I tried the immobiliser re-set and it started first time.

For immobiliser re-set I did;
Ignition stage two for 60 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Ignition stage two for 30 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Key removed, counted to five, then started first time.

Hope this helps someone ?
That’s brilliant thanks


ClioSport Club Member
I’ve just had similar issues with mine, (2005 Kangoo DCI 68 van).

It’s had starting issues since I bought it nearly a year ago, but unlocking with one key and starting with the other one usually solved the issue. Occasionally I’d have to re-lock / re-immobilise a couple of times to get it started.

Today I parked up on a steep slope facing forwards / downhill and when I came to restart I had a solid red light, (it’s never done that before).

Tried the locking / immobilising a few times, but still wouldn’t start , (but did crank). I tried the immobiliser re-set and it started first time.

For immobiliser re-set I did;
Ignition stage two for 60 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Ignition stage two for 30 seconds
Ignition off (but key kept in) for 30 seconds
Key removed, counted to five, then started first time.

Hope this helps someone ?
Life saver!
