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  1. Woodentop

    I've raped my 182 in Clay!! - 56k Warning!!!

    Re: I've raped my 182!! - 56k Warning!!! What clay did you use? I need to clean my car but i have some hairline scratches that i want to remove so i might polish instead.
  2. Woodentop

    f**kin potholes

    yeah f**king roads near me are crap! We pay road tax they cant even be bothered to respond to letters about it.. Check ebay for a new wheel.
  3. Woodentop

    Saving an entire site offline

    Yeah HTTrack is good.
  4. Woodentop

    What phone?

    lol yeah matching phones is bad :) I think the W800i is a good phone thou.
  5. Woodentop

    w32time - Windows Time Server

    :s Ok.
  6. Woodentop

    using a companys wifi network

    lets be honnest if some wanted to do damage the lack of a username and password will only hold them up a short time look hundreds of tools could get password, including password sniffners that intercept traffic.... I would carry on using it tbh if they are too stupid not to secure it then it is...
  7. Woodentop

    w32time - Windows Time Server

    unless i am going blind (quite possible) i dont see any mention of clients... Just another 2k server.
  8. Woodentop

    w32time - Windows Time Server

    wouldnt recommend using dhcp for servers, but yeah its possible!
  9. Woodentop

    w32time - Windows Time Server

    indeed net time or group policy if you want to tidy it up a bit :)
  10. Woodentop

    Why have some 182's got locks and their doors, and some haven't?

    lol never knew that..... kinda scary.
  11. Woodentop

    xxxxSTOLEN 172 CUPxxxx

    terrible news :( really horrible to read this and the sick thing is it is becoming more frequent.
  12. Woodentop

    Is there a way I can put an 11mb somewhere online for someone to download?

    i think google do some sort of online drive...
  13. Woodentop

    ISP recommendation's?

    would have said zen but the new deals suck so now i dont know lol :)
  14. Woodentop

    CeBIT Technology Show - 103" Plasma running Bluray!

    Some people get all the luck :(
  15. Woodentop

    Air Filters

    i think they should be changed every service.
  16. Woodentop

    Online Gaming

    i still play sof2 online aswell Darren S.
  17. Woodentop

    Battlefield 2 - VoIP question

    I use it but not the in built bf2 one, i log onto a teamspeak server with some mates it makes the game more fun just chatting and laughing about the game. Dont forget the commander mode, he is able to zoom in and spot people & if the commander is using voip then that makes alot of difference.
  18. Woodentop

    alternative to internet explorer??

    i prefer ie7 to firefox
  19. Woodentop

    Can ISPs block torrent's?

    Go find a decent ISP that has no restrictions on usage....
  20. Woodentop

    Online Gaming

  21. Woodentop

    Battlefield 2 question - please help!

    no you just have to put up with him for a while :)
  22. Woodentop

    ebay help please!

    nice bike :)
  23. Woodentop

    Lord of the Rings - Battle for Middle Earth 2

    yeah it is a great game! Have any of you played it online yet?
  24. Woodentop

    Battlefield 2 Score List Icons

    bf2 rocks :) my stats
  25. Woodentop

    Laptop on Credit?

    yeah dell do
  26. Woodentop

    NTL Suck

    pipex are quite good and cheap.
  27. Woodentop

    Msn ... Wtf ..

    arab & french
  28. Woodentop

    are there any websites that...

    If you had a contract with Orange you used to be able to send texts from the web site but i have never used it.
  29. Woodentop

    Msn ... Wtf ..

    yeah he says he is an arab male looking to talk to an arab female then asks you if you are male or female.... Block the stupid fucker! :)
  30. Woodentop

    Hatfield, Herts - Blue Ph2 172

    Im in Stevenage, plus a couple of a couple of other ClioSporter's so a Herts meet would be cool :)