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  1. Cro

    lowering now or later?

    likewise ducky! Id say get it down and yesterday. If its only springs your going for eibach apparantly give the non RS's a big drop so probably is close to 50mm. If you arent too bothered just go for something that your budget determines!
  2. Cro

    Inlet Matching

    certainly do mate
  3. Cro

    Having throttle bodies on monday :) :)

    Nice one, keen to see how it works out for you
  4. Cro

    Having throttle bodies on monday :) :)

    ooooooh exciting stuff! I take it you get a rr printout when you go to pick the car up?
  5. Cro

    Stripped 172 Turbo

    noiiice, fair play for tackling it yourself! What are you needing to source yourself besides what k-tec supply in their kit? If you make the thread detailed enough it should come in very handy for some! :approve:
  6. Cro

    My Zaino'd 172

    Looking well stu, didnt know you were chris' brother... now explains why I used to see you on the way to and from sqd
  7. Cro

    My mk3 euro project

    looking very very very well indeed mate, nice one!
  8. Cro

    Progress so far (pics)

    the body shop might just end up sanding the glue off and having to spray back up, i remember trying to get mine off was a pain in the ass and we tried everything!
  9. Cro

    what color is this? monaco?

    ph1 sports come in odyssey, monaco goes a different colour in the sun to odyssey so if it isnt resprayed on something big like a bumper etc it will be easily noticed
  10. Cro

    Tips on fitting de-cat?? pls!!

    I dont think its that bad tbh, took me 45 mins on my own old one off and new one on, i used the longest extension bar on my socket ive ever seen and one of those uni joint sockets when under the car and a smaller rachet cabletied down in the engine bay, job was a goodun. And yes i am talking...
  11. Cro

    Bleed Screw for Coolant 172 Cup

    yeah mate easily found theres a pic if you search for it, theres a triangular group of bolts its the bottom one iirc
  12. Cro

    Cheaper Or Not?

    Well if its costing you 3k then buy a sport!! 3k plus whatever you get for your own will get you a ph1 or maybe a ph2
  13. Cro

    My new 197 CUP

    Is white available on the non cups?
  14. Cro

    Cheaper Or Not?

    afraid not guys, tax stays the same, my car is taxed as a 2.0 expression, batmans a 2.0 dynamique i think, and the tax stays the same as the original engine!! It can be fought with all day but thats just how things are.... suits me fine!
  15. Cro

    Cheaper Or Not?

    oh yeah of course, i could obviously see the cheaper side of things if it wasn't. I picked batman and ditz because I know they are the same fully declared, theres defo a few others that arent!
  16. Cro

    Cheaper Or Not?

    Not always more expensive as myself and batman and probably ditz can say. My insurance is slightly cheaper, tax is half and it'll cost you next to nothing if you plan to do the work yourself!
  17. Cro

    URGENT: Expert's Needed

    down to a motor factors and get a rear wheel bearing, just take the big nut off the hub and prise it off, it tough but get the hammer out. The new bearing will need to be pressed in, you could try a vice. They can be a pain in the ass to get in and out but some are easy. No idea about the fluid...
  18. Cro

    my black 1.2

    just pops off mate, be careful not to break any clips
  19. Cro

    All White Now...

    Looked absolutely fapping gorgeous yesterday Tim, im extremely jealous! easily the nicest clio over here now! what is the story with the last pic though?... were you trying to find a good drilling spot for the splitter :rasp:
  20. Cro


    lol yeah dont touch it! although i dont think any sparks should be escaping! See if theres anywhere thats cracked or broken off
  21. Cro


    throw it round to me mate
  22. Cro

    Jungle Jim's progress thread - mk2 ph2 non sport

    cool, square is a bit out there lol start a new trend. Hows the flow? Are you getting gas ok out of both pipes or is it choosing a side
  23. Cro

    Jungle Jim's progress thread - mk2 ph2 non sport

    Im undecided about the stripes mate. Great job on the exhaust! is box tubing square?? looks like you could do with tilting the pipes down a bit or it'll be melted bumper time! Fantastic job though a homemade exhaust that rivals my own :rasp:
  24. Cro vs Corsa-C NI (56k Heavy)

    looked like a good day guys, couldnt make it... hustlin away
  25. Cro

    Air Con

    lol the big plastic thing running along at the bottom of your windscreen... thats the scuttle panel
  26. Cro

    Air Con

    worth a read -
  27. Cro

    Air Con

    lol **musn't make jokes** yeah i think theres a relay type of think under the window wiper scuttle panel which can be quite common
  28. Cro

    172 not running right

    aye iv a couple of coilpacks mikey most parts are interchangeable across the range so doesnt need to be a ph1. I would think there'd be at least some lights on the dash but should be quick enough to diagnose. Going above 4k shouldnt be a problem, unless the car is sticking itself to 2k which...
  29. Cro

    Ph2 172 not starting - bad earth?

    if its turning but just not firing id assume tdc sensor
  30. Cro

    172 not running right

    how does it drive mate? see if you can get her above 4k revs and if she jumps into life id be checking the llambda, other than that the coilpack first, then plugs then leads. Any lights on the dash or anything? If it gets nasty throw it down to me and i'll plug it in and should have spares of...