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jack up the drivers side front wheel, hold the wheel at the 9 and 3 o clock positions, and try to feel for play, there should be a tiny bit of play, but i mean tiny. if there is play theres two balljoints to check, ones the bottom one on the wishbone, the second is the track rod end, on the end...
pic dont do it justice mate, try adjustable top mounts, a polished engine mount, black rocker, and crazy coloured inlet. also carbon wrap odds and sods
sorry if this is in the wrong section, just weren't to sure where to post it.
anyways can someone please photoshop me some white OZ F1s on me motor please
new nickname?? whats that then mucca? and whens the next meet?
starting to make more friends now, its about time too spent the last 6 years in the army and hardly got any civvy mates so its all good now.
saw an unmarked focus st flashing his blues and twos and flying off at some speed, then a few seconds later a marked octavia rs heading same direction, they were definatly after someone,anyone off here???