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  1. Da

    £3000 insurance

    Do it FC, it's often cheaper anyway!
  2. Da

    (NOT) Diesel in a 182 - Electrical issues??

    Big thanks to you too Steve, for all your help and advice :) I shall now not be cancelling my appointment with the Kev-mobile! ;)
  3. Da

    will a 2005 182 gearbox fit my 172 ph1 2001

    I think it's the same box physically, but it wont have a speedo sensor as the 182 uses the ABS sensor. Ratios are different too to account for the 182's extra weight.
  4. Da

    Mk2 Ph1 ignition problem?

    Very strange. Rusty you say, has water being getting in somewhere? The UCH is behind the fusebox and the last thing you want near that is water!
  5. Da

    Mk2 Ph1 ignition problem?

    Did you swap it with a spare fuse or another one that's in use?
  6. Da

    Mk2 Ph1 ignition problem?

    Yep, blue 15A fuse.
  7. Da

    Hi everybody...VERY pic heavy!

    Blast from the past! Welcome back dude :cool:
  8. Da

    Supercharge the 182 or get something else?

    Cams and a remap are a good shout and a much cheaper option. Then get some decent suspension, brakes and driving tuition and you'll be set :)
  9. Da

    Mk2 Ph1 ignition problem?

    It will, it dims when you switch lights on for night time driving. I think the fuse has gone, do you have a spare you can swap it for?
  10. Da

    Mk2 Ph1 ignition problem?

    Anything at all, or just the radio? Reason I ask is when you switch the radio on the display usually dims. Do your sidelights still work ok? This is the fuse you need - F7 Radio 15A Radio, Cigarette lighter, Clock, Courtesy mirror, Heated rear screen relay, Central communication unit...
  11. Da

    Mk2 Ph1 ignition problem?

    So when the engine is running you still have no heaters/radio etc?
  12. Da

    Mk2 Ph1 ignition problem?

    Does the car start? Sounds like a dead battery to me.
  13. Da

    Rear bumper colour help.

    Looks Titanium to me. Ph1's were also made in Iceberg which is a slightly bluey silver. Ph2's were Iceberg. 182's were available in Titanium however. Ph2 bumper will fit no problem but I think the brackets are slightly different.
  14. Da

    Engine temp not registering, engine light on

    I will soon have a spare brand new coolant temp sensor, if you need one.
  15. Da

    (NOT) Diesel in a 182 - Electrical issues??

    A MAP sensor (Manifold Absolute Pressure) - Not my pic BTW, blatantly ripped from a thread on here :o
  16. Da

    (NOT) Diesel in a 182 - Electrical issues??

    Need to cancel Renault now ;) Thanks for your help too Ryan :)
  17. Da

    (NOT) Diesel in a 182 - Electrical issues??

    It is, swapped my MAP to Carl's car and his did exactly the same as mine once warmed up. Put his MAP on mine and everything ran fine. I'm going to change the plugs on mine as they did seem a little dry fouled but I'm just being cautious really by changing them.
  18. Da

    (NOT) Diesel in a 182 - Electrical issues??

    Update - MAP sensor is faulty! :) Ordering new plugs and got a MAP sensor on the way so should all be sorted out very soon! :approve:
  19. Da

    sticking throttle

    Or try a different dealer. Give Renault Customer Services a call and get them involved. RUK 08000 72 33 72
  20. Da

    182 reg DX04 FHJ info

    Click me
  21. Da

    182 reg DX04 FHJ info

    It's a well known car, loads of info on it if you do a search. To the OP - Renault can generally give you service history from the Reg number providing it's gone to dealers to be serviced.
  22. Da

    (NOT) Diesel in a 182 - Electrical issues??

    I don't have access to a pressure tester but I'll try and get some pictures of the plugs when they're out.
  23. Da

    (NOT) Diesel in a 182 - Electrical issues??

    Ok, cheers. Yeah from speaking to others, that small change in figures is pretty normal it seems. Changing the plugs tomorrow, then the leads and coil pack so will take it from there.
  24. Da

    extra power

    CAMS and a remap could be a good shout, depends what your budget is?
  25. Da

    (NOT) Diesel in a 182 - Electrical issues??

    Yep, can't guarantee it works though as I've no means of testing it. (need a blow torch or similar)
  26. Da

    Anyone had coilovers setup in the plymouth area?

    Do K-Tec not offer this service?
  27. Da

    Supercharge the 182 or get something else?

    Just do it! 90% of the people on here will try and talk you out of it! ;)
  28. Da

    (NOT) Diesel in a 182 - Electrical issues??

    These are pedal to the floor, past the limiter switch, again fluctuating wildly -
  29. Da

    (NOT) Diesel in a 182 - Electrical issues??

    These are the values that are fluctuating on their own. Others change but only when I press the accelerator pedal with my foot. Knackered pedal potentiometer (or whatever it's called)??