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i've got the same size 16's on my polo as the 1*2
i've got goodyear gsd3's and they are a very good all round tyre although they don't last all that long
the battery will output current whenever it is shown a load
so if you get a fault it's basiclly a load with nearly no resistance so it's current will be massive (well above 680A)
yeah you could get away with about 100A on the feed from the alternator
you would be off your tits to run without a fuse at the battery at least (i'd have one from the alternator aswell)
you state in the image above that the short circuit of the batt is 1800A which is about 21kW of power
that will set light to some plastic/cloth very very quickly
i'd get a 300A...
i had a little play with one of these not so long ago
he didn't look pleased that he didn't get away but i don't believe his was standard and neither is mine lol
if the amp found and earth through the cd player and sent some current down it it would possible fry a cd player in about 5 secs even if the cd player was about 5 secs old
if you change the amp and connect it up and it's fine then i'd say it was the amp
if you change the amp and you get a...
so what is it then?
if the amp was wired up right and working fine it should have no lights on with everything connected but with the cd player off.
i know it may have been earthed in the same place for months could it not have come loose? oxidised a bit? cable frayed?
if i had to guess again
i'd say the the amp had a bad earth but picked one up through the phono leads and has goosed the circuit board in the cd player and now it applies 12v to the remote as soon as it gets a supply