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Search results

  1. Dink

    Project Natal renamed and slim 360 on the way!

    just nipped out now and picked one up from my local gamestation hopefully be worth it over the xbox i've got now
  2. Dink

    Phone Recycling

    gold is a big part of the money they make
  3. Dink

    Project Natal renamed and slim 360 on the way!

    looks like on-board psu as well might sell my 250gb elite for one of these
  4. Dink

    Which Amp?

    nah just the same just need to split them in the boot
  5. Dink

    Which Amp?

    sub amp component amp
  6. Dink

    Which Amp?

    how much you looking to spend?
  7. Dink

    What does it want?

    it might be admin password if you look on the router it'll be on there
  8. Dink

    Macbook extension power cords

    iirc can't you just plug a figure 8 lead into the psu?
  9. Dink

    Cool Fan.

    £200 for a £50 fan nah i'll pass thanks
  10. Dink

    French VS JAP

    i'm glad i moved away from renault tbh i had nothing but problems with my clio i was glad to see the back of it i've got a focus that is 10 years old and done 189,000 miles and is less annoying to drive than the clio ever was.
  11. Dink

    i think someone is using my wifi

    login to the router and it'll show you who's connected and allow you to set a password the details should be on the router itself
  12. Dink

    Electrical testing help needed

    you need a multimeter if your going to do that as something like that can cause more problems
  13. Dink

    Electrical testing help needed

    colours mean nothing i'd just try shorting 2 of them out tbh
  14. Dink

    Two smart VW GTI's (MKV & 6n2)

    how much would something like this cost? the gti could do with the full works
  15. Dink

    Virgin HD Coming Friday 11th, Do I need HDMI Cables?

    there's a few cheap(£70) blu-ray players on the richer sounds website
  16. Dink

    orange signal.

    i seem to be having problems with orange at the moment it's not ringing and i just get a message saying i have a missed call/voice message and text messages taking an hour to get through.
  17. Dink

    Dirt Cheap Net Book

    yeah ubuntu netbook edition would be first thing on there if i bought one
  18. Dink

    Nokia N95

    £110 argos voucher;)
  19. Dink

    What headlight bulbs

    osram nightbreakers get my vote
  20. Dink

    Xenon lights problem!!!

    if thats the only thing that is damaged id replace that and see what happens as it probably just burnt out because it was faulty
  21. Dink

    paint stripper?

    yeah you don't want to put paint stripper on anything plastic as it will very probably melt
  22. Dink

    Nokia N95

    think it goes on the amount of gold in them fone bank are giving £72 for one
  23. Dink

    Nokia N95

    probably because their scrap value is quite high?
  24. Dink

    Bathroom speaker(s)

    well i had a look and they are 1.5w + 1.5w and 2.5 inch drivers which would be drowned out by a shower
  25. Dink

    Bathroom speaker(s)

    some marine speakers should do the job
  26. Dink

    A Charge of 25% of my policy for 6hp...?!

    sorry mate i meant wouldn't bother telling them you have had a remap with an n/a car.
  27. Dink

    A Charge of 25% of my policy for 6hp...?!

    i paid about that for about 10x the increase lol it's up to you what you do (i wouldn't bother with a n/a remap) but sound like you need a new insurance company
  28. Dink


    well a windows desktop box would be unusable after 45 days lol
  29. Dink


    my mum has ubuntu on her pc lol she don't really do much on it just the basics but last time i checked it had an uptime of 45 days and still runs fine i also run it as a network storage pc which just worked and took about 10 mins to setup the samba shares and has been running for a while...