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Search results

  1. C

    New Shoes on The Racing Blue......

    look good. prefer turini. they look a bit to smal with to much profile. just my opinion
  2. C


    This will be my first time to FCS. Well looking forward to it. Not bought my tickets yet though lol.
  3. C

    Car Won't Start Again :(

    Check battery, also this may sound stupid but unplg ad replug any thing you can find in engine bay. My corsa had this problem for over a year. I would get in my car and wouldnt start. leave it, come back and the it started. Some times after 3 hours some times after hours. It would randomly...
  4. C

    Me <3 Germany !

    Are they adjustable at the back?
  5. C

    Failing emissions

    What would the main cause/s be for emissions being to high. Got a mate of a mate whos car failed twice now and it failing by 0.12 if that means anything
  6. C

    What is your next car & why?

    O right. Just a few people on here say they've had a few tussles and not much in it. And thats from DC5/2 owners them selves :S
  7. C

    Meanest looking car....

    someones evo on here! Its black with black wheels lol. I'm suresomeone will find it
  8. C

    What is your next car & why?

    realistically will be Focus ST / Astra VXR / Megane R26 / Audi S3 etc. Those types of cars
  9. C

    What is your next car & why?

    Anything faster than my 172. Always wanted a DC5 but they not much quicker :(
  10. C

    how often do u clean your clio

    I've learnt this aswell. Every saturday i wash, dry detailing spray and usually a quick layer of wax every so often. SRP and EGP come into play twice a year.
  11. C

    [Pics]Track day -Paul Ricard (France)

    That looks quality
  12. C

    wanted a m3 but....

    A v6 is rare and you will get a buzz but i think the m3 is overall a better and wiser choice. Women will like you more with an M3 :D
  13. C

    Detailing Spray

    Britemax gives a really nice wet look to the car.
  14. C

    DSLR Camera

    How much am i looking at for a D70
  15. C

    DSLR Camera

    Looking to get one. Haven't researched much but was looking at Nikon D70 or is it 80? Any good? Bare in mind i'm a beginner. How much am i looking at for a DSLR?
  16. C

    how often do u clean your clio

    I always look forward to saturday mornings as thats my car cleaning time. Always pray it wont be raining.
  17. C

    how often do u clean your clio

    Inside i hardly clean it. id say once every two months lol. Its never that dirty anyway
  18. C

    how often do u clean your clio

    every saturday without fail. I have problems though lol. The street must think i'm crazy as i do it in winter lol. Cant stand it dirty
  19. C

    My modded Mk3

    lovely. Wheels look really good on that. I would lower it a tad more though
  20. C

    Pic Request. 172 cups on coilovers.

    Not mine but someones off here. Perfect ride height
  21. C

    Guess the weight loss?

    Sorry for hijacking just wondered if anyone knew whats a standard 172 bhp/ton?
  22. C

    Re-Furb Question

    just a pure guess lol. not had any quotes
  23. C

    Re-Furb Question

    Cool and i'm looking at around 40 quid per wheel?
  24. C

    Re-Furb Question

    I currently have Silver alloys. If I was to re-furb them to Gloss black, is it possible to re-furb them back to silver at a later date if i got bored of black??
  25. C

    Knocking/Creaking Noise From Suspension?

    mine used to creak, found my cv clip thing wasnt on properly. Put that back on but then it started doing it again really badly and had to replace the drive shaft. No problems anymore except the very slightest creak at times which is annoying. I think itsa renault thing
  26. C

    17s or 16s?

    if you're not lowering then 16".
  27. C

    What don't you like about your car?

    I dont like how mines so high!
  28. C

    Hello + Car history *car pics*

    you on corsasport. recognise all your cars from there
  29. C

    is this anyones on here?

    Seen this few times where i live.
  30. C

    Black cars are awesome

    I wont buy black cars for that reason. I cant stand dirty cars. I have to wash my silver clio every weekend without fail and for me it looks dirty the week after.