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  1. Scott™

    Paint flicked alloys

    Cheers lads, I think they are going to be a love/hate item. The finish isn't fantastic by any means but more than good enough to get me through the next 3/4 months non the less. Just put another coat of laquer on the other three.
  2. Scott™

    Paint flicked alloys

    Thanks for the comments lads.
  3. Scott™

    First SLR

    The question is how much would you have to spend?
  4. Scott™

    Blackgold 182 update

    Very nice. Brilliant pictures.
  5. Scott™

    Paint flicked alloys

    Lol i knew you wouldn't approve!
  6. Scott™

    Paint flicked alloys

    Spray the alloy, then I got a pot of paint made up from Halfords and flick it on with a brush. Non yet mate, the rest are still in paint. Cheers chaps :D
  7. Scott™

    Paint flicked alloys

    Well here is one I have almost finished. Thoughts? I love it!
  8. Scott™

    Paint flicked alloys

    Just a set of 172 rims. Sprayed gloss black with mondial blue flicks. It looks sexy as.
  9. Scott™

    Paint flicked alloys

    I will do ;) I'm working on a set now myself. As a set of winter wheels.
  10. Scott™

    Paint flicked alloys

    It's where you spray an alloy one colour ie white. And you then flick paint all over it. Saw it on a couple of cars at FCS. Whats peoples thoughts? I kinda like it.
  11. Scott™

    Albi Blue 200 Detail

    Looks lovely. Did you do the arch liners?
  12. Scott™

    2 Cups @ the EVO Triangle

    Looks good. How did you find it?
  13. Scott™

    My DIY Respray....{Pic Heavy}

    Great job mate, it looks fantastic.
  14. Scott™

    DIY Wheel painting

    Is there any laquer (sp) on it? As it look very dull or is it because they are matt black? Good effort.
  15. Scott™

    Quick clean... and a couple with mates new car (370z content)

    Very nice indeed. Shame about the alloy!
  16. Scott™

    Some 197 pics... a bit dirty

    Good pictures mate, some of those look ace. But the border you have applied only works on a couple of the more countr ones for me.
  17. Scott™

    clio sports getting common much ?

    Is that a cliosport meet? lol
  18. Scott™

    Real wheels here.

    Pretty cool to know.
  19. Scott™

    New 182 Cup Owner

    Loose the stripes and this would be one of my favorie.
  20. Scott™

    Latest snaps of the Cup

    Looks very nice.
  21. Scott™

    Xenon bulbs...

    Yeap they change colour and get less bright. I would replace both at the same time as the colour change between old and new will be noticeable.
  22. Scott™

    California car scent?

    Haha I just smelt so fecking good.
  23. Scott™

    White Spirit

    Yea... too late haha. I have a sore wrist. But I hope its worth it in the end.
  24. Scott™

    White Spirit

    Can I get this shizzle from Homebase you think?
  25. Scott™

    White Spirit

    Meh feck that. Winter wheels, bodge job ftw!
  26. Scott™

    White Spirit

    Got a bottle knocking about the garage and I need to strip paint off of some alloys. Will it work? Cheers.
  27. Scott™

    Wheel refurb with loads of pics, Marmite content ;)

    Top Job on the wheel refurb mate, not my cup of tea though sorry.
  28. Scott™

    few pics of the 182

    Very nice mate. Looks spot on as it is tbh.